Sinister: 'we live with elves'
Chris Horkan
chris_t_opher at
Mon Aug 20 02:58:48 BST 2001
hi sinister!
i was just saying in #sinister the other day that i didnt want to post
to sinister. because i have nothing to say. but here i am nontheless
summers are very temporary things for me. i avoid sunlight as much as
possible so im often found spending a couple of months a year tucked up
in mid-scotland. i cant even take the chance that the rainclouds
apparently owned by manchester city council will disperse and reveal
ibiza-like cornea-burning white light.
and scotland really is delivering! i havent left the house much this
week and when i chanced it, a t-shirt and extra-wide flares didnt fare
well in the fringe-ed embra village. new tigers were squelching under
my feet and all i got to see was a (crap) photo exhibition in a
foyer/reception area. not that i was prepared to pay £10 to see people
(badly) juggle with fire. not that im bitter or anything.
speaking of juggling, ken (who has more sense than to juggle with fire)
has a webcam! so, if all the kenchurians want to see ken juggle live, i
suggest you give him a mail. it sounds to me like the only thing
stopping him is laziness (and maybe a power supply). pah!
random surfing (told you i havent been out much) has led me to find and .
the former gives an accurate value of yourself (i was worth just under
$2million) and the latter lets you create an e-model of yourself with
their wardrobe of bodies, clothes and accessories (bulldogs, etc). both
fun wastes of time in my opinion.
amazing music recently acquired:
daivid kitt - the big romance
prefuse 73 - vocal studies ~ uprock narratives
several amazing camera obscura mp3s
not so amazing music:
another mp3 from audiogalaxy called "k.belle and sebastian - down a
road (live)'. to save you all the ensuing excitement, its not an
unheard of live rarity but just some crap. youre much better off with
st ettienne's sylie :o)
anyway, im being told this is a 'big email' so i better stop.
damn, still cant quite *do* this whole sinister-post thing
ps. the subject line is from fortean tv, a bizarre post-midnight
program on channel 4. i seem to be watching it every night since the
summer started.
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