Sinister: somewhere not here

Michelle R. snowyminor at
Thu Aug 30 03:37:46 BST 2001

how are you

     you know that feeling you get when you are
somewhere, but all of a sudden you feel like you are
in another time or country? Not deja-vu, because that
would mean you have been to that place before. Well I
guess it could be deja-vu, if you've been there in a
past life. I'm confusing you aren't I...hmm. Well that
is a great feeling. Last night driving I all of a
sudden felt I was in Tokyo. Not that I've ever been
there, but just had a feeling based on what I *think*
it's like. Only happens regarding places you'd like to
go to. This also usually happens to me at night for
some reason. 
  Listening to certain songs can do that to you. Ie.
when listening to "like dylan in the movies," I get
the feeling I'm in some snowy place, especially
towards the end of the track. Same thing with
Broadcast...I get the impression I'm in Europe on a
cloudy day. It's nice..kind of a vacation in your sub
    people have been talkin' (ok like me and 1 person)
about fall. In the spirit of this, here's a bit of
    Let any, who will, still bask in the south
    On the paradisal sand,
    It's northerly here-and this year of the north
    Autumn will be my friend
  Did you ever see 'Lovers of the Arctic Circle'....
really nice movie that screams autumn/winter. That and
"O Brother Where Art Thou," the scenery is purty. So
that's another thing to check out to get ya'll in the
  So if you saw Aerosmith in San Diego recently,
chances are you might have seen my aunt. You see, she
practices the lost art of bumrushing the stage. She
rushed the stage with a couple other people and,
eyewitnesses say, she grabbed onto Stephen (Steven?)
Tyler's leg as he said 'get her off of me!' Now, I've
bumrushed 2 stages in my life (in once case they were
inviting people to do so), but nothing as big as
Aerosmith though. I think it's a dying art really.
Save the bumrush.
  Can I just say, I thoroughly enjoyed Perriman's
post. I'm down with anyone using the "on a scale of
1-10" rating system. And yeah, Miss Chan Marshall is
lovely etc etc, but I hear she's crazynuts live. 
 I commend Marikka 110% for going to Mongolia. Take
lots of pictures. 

xx michelle mitten xx

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