Sinister: A murderer is just an extroverted suicidal...
Gardiner, Stuart
Stuart.Gardiner at
Thu Dec 13 12:39:42 GMT 2001
Archel has been complaining about me labelling her as smutty, and asking
where she got this reputation from.
Well, you could look at, where she
gives an in depth discussion of her underwear. Come to think of it, isn't much
better (and also includes her prediction that the odds on B&S winning a Brit
award were 1000-1 against). Or you could go to where she
discusses whether left-handed people are better in bed. But for the
ultimate, have a look at The case
for the prosecution rests.
Still, that's why we love her...
I've come to the conclusion that while the Camera Obscura album may be a
pleasant listen, it is clearly a summer record. I can imagine myself
relaxing to it, wandering around in shorts and T-shirt, watching the specks
of dust in the sunlight from the window. But it just doesn't work when it's
bloody freezing outside. At this time of year, I need something with a bit
more oomph; like Le Pastie, or the new Pulp album. Or a bit of classic
motown (but then, that's good at any time of year).
I Love My Brick is also a classic summer afternoon song. I could quite
happily listen to it driving along country roads with the roof down on my
car; and it would take my mind of the fact that something must have gone
seriously wrong, because my car isn't a convertable.
Oh, by the way, I don't know if anyone's noticed, but apparently it's
Christmas soon. Which is either a) a good thing as it involves drunken
nights out (like I need an excuse...); or b) a bad thing as it means
spending a week with the parents. And let's face it, Harrogate isn't the
most exciting place on Earth. On balance, I like it, purely because it gives
us the chance to hear Fairytale of New York on the radio every day.
Only two months to go until Valentines' Day...
Big Stu
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