Sinister: Only Losers Take The Bus
iodowd at
Fri Dec 28 15:55:30 GMT 2001
yo sinister,
it's definitely still christmas. chesney hawkes
roasting on an open fire etc .... i hope you're all
having a warm and cosy time. well, it's last post of
2001 time (for me anyway), so i'll keep it shortish:
asm sent in his best-of-2001 list. respect. lists are
cool, and i always enjoy reading them. i would do one
myself, but i've bought hardly any records this year
and those i have bought probably weren't even released
this year. sigh. but dirtyvicar did get me the new
Pulp album for christmas, and on first listen it
sounds very good indeed. was the Mum (moooooooom)
album released this year? if so, that could well be my
favourite record of the year. perhaps.
psi, wookie/louise and dirty vicar all wrote about the
belfast gig, and i second everything they said (i am a
peace-loving rener). the belfast gig was top fun - i
met some lovely people (hello psi, james, ian,
barbara, daragh, tim, wookie, trish, louise, grainne,
mark, and the rest of the sinister get mental kru),
saw B&S in fine form, and didn't speak to sarah martin
because i was too shy. maximum respect to the bus
people, who piled back onto the bus when it was all
over and drove back to dublin. i wonder what the
driver made of it all. i'd like to think he was forced
to listen to B&S for the entire journey.
david moore told us all about the glasgow gig. cheers!
it seems stuart murdoch is intent on spreading that
rumour about the perspex bass having once belonged to
phil lynott, bless him. you know what, though? i think
mick cooke is the real thin lizzy fan in B&S. you
should have seen him doing The Boys Are Back In Town
.... hang on, you did.
i think i'll go home now and have some mince pies. i
hope you all have a lovely new year's eve, whatever
you're up to (if i was in london i'd definitely go to
T&F. you lucky londoners)
here's to 2002!
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others." - Groucho Marx
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+-+ "pasty-faced vegan geeks... and we LOST!" - NME April 2000 +-+
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+-+ Snipp snapp snut, sa var sagan slut! +-+
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