Sinister: Your wife? I wouldn't go home...
Gardiner, Stuart
Stuart.Gardiner at
Mon Feb 12 14:41:10 GMT 2001
I think I should start quoting Whitlams lyrics for all my subject lines,
because a) They are a wonderful band who most people on this list have never
heard of; and b) I can never think of anything better, I ran out of original
imaginative subject lines to use in my postings about 3 years ago.
Speaking of bands (now how's that for a tenuous link?), thanks to the people
who told me about the Kings of Convenience, a unanimous vote of approval. So
I've bitten the bullet and ordered the album. It hasn't arrived yet,
probably because in the same order I asked for a Shakira album which there
seem to be no copies of anywhere in Britain...
Meanwhile, David gave us his Sinister drinking game:
1. You get the urge to snog Mark Casarotto.
2. CarsmileSteve puts something on his website.
3. Genevieve makes the boys blush!
4. Someone downloads a song off napster.
5. Someone who isn't you goes to a sinister meet up and your sooo jealous.
6. PineFox mentions a band you've never heard of.
and I would just like to make it perfectly clear that I have never had an
urge to snog Mark Casarotto. Calm down ladies, he's ugly.
And Genevieve doesn't make the boys blush, she just makes us daydream about
being the lucky guy in her dream who saw her frolicking naked through the
Forget the tape tree, what we need is a Valentine's Card tree. All the
single listees could just send each other anonymous cards with little
messages of love inside, and the world would be a better place. Of course,
it's a bit late now for the actual day, but if we don't start it until
Thursday we'll all be able to get the cards at half-price. Ah, the romance.
Two new B&S singles? This Spring? Oh look, is that a flock of pigs up there
in the sky? Still, maybe it's time to revive the long running campaign to
get them to play a gig at the Royal Albert Hall...
OK, time for a bit of a rant (translation: you've read the relevant bit,
time to delete now):
Turn your mind back two or three years. We'd just had a couple of very hot
summers in the UK, water shortages all over the place, even rationing in
some places, and the reservoirs were almost empty. And we were told that it
was all because of global warming, and we'd better get used to it. Now, in
the last few months we've seen the worst flooding for many years in parts of
England, the reservoirs are overflowing, there's no way there'll be any
water shortages for the next couple of summers, and we're told that that's
all because of global warming as well. Erm, hello? Does that make any sense
at all to anyone? I've just been waiting for someone to go on the telly and
say that last week's heavy snow in Scotland was because of global warming as
I'll probably a few replies now from environmentalists slagging me off, but
before you do, just answer me one thing: surely even if every single bit of
ice-cap at the North Pole melted, it's floating anyway, so doesn't
Archimedes' Principle say that the sea level wouldn't change by a
Lots of romantic slushy kisses you all,
Big Stu
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