Sinister: Lawrence, give us another one of them block rockin' beats
Lawrence Mikkelsen
mikelsen at
Wed Feb 21 09:50:02 GMT 2001
hello list
long time since I've posted. sorry. have been busy developing stuff for five
year olds, to teach them maths. plus planning my wedding, listening to pop
music etc.
so consequently much of what I'm about to say is probably "old hat" or
by gar I am excited. damn excited.
I was interested to read the interview from teletext (that's David) .....
Stuart M has never really sounded all that happy with "fold ..." has he. (in
the three or so interviews he's done .......) interesting that he admitted
that Jeepster were annoyed with him. what the hell is going on with Jester?
I know this a bit of a personal bug bear with me, but the site NEVER seems
to get updated, and the one regular newsletters .... well, I don't think
I've had one in about six months. They used to come thick and fast as I
The recent news of new singles/soundtrack album certainly warranted
"official news" status (as opposed to through the ever unreliable,
as did the signing of pop genius Ian Bunnymen.
Come on Jeepster ..... buck up your ideas. I wrote an essay about what a
great label you were in '99 .... don't make me a liar.
The band its fun to hate
Because the had indie cred ... self released single, on-off on Fierce Panda
etc., and now EVERYBODY LIKES THEM. Damn it.
No really, I like Coldplay.
A lot.
Sure, they're not doing anything new, but they are a good pop band, who
write great tunes, and even though they do kinda typify the
slightly-dull-new-indie-thing, they are (IMHO) *fantastic* live (especially
when Chris pulled off his jumper to reveal an "I Love New Zealand" t-shirt
when they played here a month or so ago, and also when they did "You Only
Live Twice" as an encore, and though the white-noise fade out at the end,
Chris played "What The World Needs Now Is Love" on the keyboard.
It turned me from a fan to a slightly rabid fan.
But really, I don't give a toss whether you like them or not.
It's just pop, right?
(AKA "The Sinist*r can o' worms")
I thought it was gonna be closed down last week.
So I had a download frenzy.
But it's still going
Although I have a sneaking suspicion that the Mac version is really crap.
It's mine on Friday.
26 years old.
And my three best friends, all in London, will be going to see Hefner that
night. (Or maybe the 24th ... can't remember)
I told them to go, dammit.
Someone better buy me a t-shirt.
Can anyone tell me about this band? (Please mail me off list)
Someone made me an unlabelled CD-R of what I assume is "Songs in the key of
Who are they?
They remind me of The Field Mice
and the female singer reminds me of Isobel.
Any info appreciated.
The CD is great, but now I want a "real" (ie. not burned) copy.
If one can be had.
Free trade ("Free" if you're a big capitalist oppressor ... reminds me of
the opium wars. trade "freely" with us or we'll destroy your economy.
Sex crimes.
Some poor 23 year old women went missing ten days ago, and they found her
naked, decomposing body behind a factory a few minutes down the road from
where my girlfriend lives. I feel scared just thinking about Vanessa leaving
the house now ... and she lives in a reasonably middle class area in New
Zealand, famous for being (allegedly) "A Great Place To Bring Up Kids"
(even though we have the highest teen pregnancy rate in the developed, and
{I think} the highest, or second highest teen suicide rate in the world)
Sometimes life just makes me sick.
Existential angst or something .....
It's late, and I have to proof-read half a thesis for a friend.
Take care kids, and look after yourselves .....
Lawrence Mikkelsen
(one half of the Sinist*r list, NZ chapter)
(unless there are new, NZ listees ....?)
(no, thought not ....)
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