Sinister: His habits were pedestrian, but his thoughts always met the upper air.
Youn J. Noh
ynoh at
Tue Feb 27 21:50:00 GMT 2001
Hey, can I tell you about the afternoon sunlight that filters in at about
half past four or so? I think I'll always be partial to rooms with
west-facing windows. The day winds down, sometimes from nothing, and
then, especially then, you're in that reflective mood. So that bar of
sunlight across the comforter can be something to focus on and think
about. It seems so strange sometimes to go from the quiet, the absolute
stillness of my room - I've got this clock that ticks too loudly - to the
activity and outwardness of the department. So humming songs, as I've
said before, is good for the transition, to get one's courage up. I
forget when I first realized it had worked it's way into my brain - the
chorus part of that Foxgloves song "We'll Never Be Cool". There's that
breathlessness before it kicks in, like the moment of consciousness that
unhinges a reflex, I mean is it really worth crying about? I don't know -
I've got an image in my mind of the singer in the south of France on a
summer internship with his girlfriend. He'll be seated on the sofa with
his feet propped up on the coffee table conjugating verbs, and she'll be
on a stool before a drafting table - the kind that architects have.
She'll be in a cotton skirt, bare legs, feet crossed on the rest, figuring
out the dimensions of the Montpelier getaway of a modern French couple
(but of noble lineage). I don't know - what's holding them back? It
might seem at first that she's beyond comforting, but pretty soon he'll
get up and put on their favorite record, tap her lightly on the shoulder,
the barest caress, completed by memory. Then they might dance awhile with
the soft summer air blowing in. He won't insist that she should know
better than to mind the missed invitation. Yeah, I guess they're too
knowing to be smug or superior; no, they'll admit they don't understand
how their occupations could be so pedestrian when their thoughts float
in the upper air.
But the song that I like best right now is "Passing Through".
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