Sinister: 2001
David White
david at
Wed Jan 3 20:06:58 GMT 2001
Happy New Year,
So it's 2001 now and still no hover cars or people living on the moon, pah!
There's still time to send your votes for best albums, songs, band and gigs
and album you regret buying etc from 2000. to me and my website as I try to
compile the B&S fans best things of the year 2000. Either send them direct
to me at david at with the subject line 2000.
or alternatively visit my website,
click on the link to the VOTES page then choose BEST OF 2000 and complete
the form. Please note for those using AOL or Compuserve, the vote form on
the site will not send the results to me so you'll need to send an email
with your results (that applies to those of you who have already sent
results from AOL or Compuserve already cos your results were lost into the
ether somewhere between your computer and mine!).
I bought two new CDs over Christmas time, Magnetic Fields '69 Love Songs'
and Badly Drawn Boy's album. My feeling about both is that they are both too
long and that the good songs are kind of lost amongst the filler material.
But the good bits are really good although to be fair I haven't really had
the chance to properly listen to them all. 87 songs are a hell of a lot to
listen to all at once!
Anyway send the votes (please!!!) ASAP...
david at
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+-+ "sinsietr is a bit freaky" - stuart david, looper +-+
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