Sinister: A Call to Arms... Or legs, or other dance-able things...
kgirton at
Sat Jan 6 22:40:23 GMT 2001
Hello Sinisterees --
... This comes half by inspiration of the "why be too shy to post?" post, and half by the now-overwhelming need to be able to share stories of my own involving other Sinisterees and much of the sauce and the pubs and the snogging... well, maybe not too much of the snogging at first, but there's always room for growth... in time.... (Alas, I jest -- I happen to really like the word "snog.")
Anyway, if you lost my point already -- don't worry about it. It didn't start off with a point so much as a vague and blurry sense of misguided quasi-purpose. Here's my point: If there's anyone who regularly reads, posts, lurks, checks in the room once in a while to see who's left the party, etc. from the Baltimore/Washington, D.C. area, how's about we make an effort to post more often, perhaps establishing a common East Coast American bond south of the Already Present New York City Sinister Branch?
It just sits on my last nerve, plucking away at what little's left, to know that there are people around who'd like to check out the newer bands in the area, or sit around Xando's (or perhaps somewhere less trendy) discussing the greatness that is "This Is Just A Modern Rock Song", but I don't know where said people are. Besides... I need backup. Most of my friends are more than happy to accompany me on my B&S vinyl-hunts, but frankly, they just don't get the importance of these occasions. My best friend Lisa (my only friend who equals - and in fact may surpass -- my tangible B&S fandom) lives up in Maine, and these twice-a-year visits north for mass music searching isn't cutting it anymore. Perhaps there's more evil in my post-college world; perhaps I'm more easily irritated... in any case, I need my B&S fixes.
Consider this a plea for fellow U.S. East Coast Sinisterees to come out of the shadows and ... hell, let's all hit Dupont Circle and get trashed, and then wander out into the D.C. night singing a poor rendition of "Me and the Major"...
(Sorry. I got carried away.)
Thank you for sitting through that rant. I apologize for any irritation it may have caused (physical or otherwise).
My best to all Sinisterees world-wide --
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