Sinister: Happiness is...
lgluhani at
Mon Jan 22 21:01:01 GMT 2001
When I went downstairs this morning, on my way to an 8:30 marketing class
(ew!) what greeted me, but chocolate chip muffins! Still warm &
melty! Thus far, I have consumed 3, with more to come in the future, for
That *almost* made up for the fact that I was kicked off napster last
night by Jeff Buckley's mother. =( Why, why, why!?! SO sad. Now I can
no longer search out new music & find those gems of live recordings. The
upsetting part is that most artists whose MP3s I possess, I also have
purchased their released material. Not fair i tell you!!! I feel very
betrayed by the Buckley estate - as it is something I could expect from
metallica :(
So if anyone knows of another file sharing program that is as reliable as
napster & not as frightening as freenet..let me know! I had only started
a b&s collection of live MP3s..and don't worry, I don't record them or
sell them or anything - just take up memory on my comp!
University of Michigan
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