Sinister: the walk of a peacock, the crimson of grey matter, & JenOwl gets stoned.
Dante Dethrone
pastel_auricular at
Fri Jan 26 13:01:49 GMT 2001
well, and what about the 'peacock thingy'? it
seems to me Mr David is merely indulging himself in
the little sport of reinvention. and what's wrong
with the occasional reinventing of one's self? sure,
certain people might find it queer, but if he were to
remain the same, and put out the same pile day in and
day out as if to please his brother or sister, he
might just get bored. i encourage everyone to refrain
from neglecting themselves. vent if you gotta ...
curse if you wanna ... *disclaimer: er, this isn't
really my opinion; it's more of an insomniacal vantage
from my current state of mind. that is, i might think
differently tomorrow. what about yourself?
as i've implied, i haven't slept for quite some
time now. i'm not sure how long it's been, nor do i
really care, and i doubt that you really care either,
but at this moment the fluid between my skull and my
brain seems to be exuding with a magnetic tickling
sensation. although i like it way much, i wonder to
myself, 'hmm ... my brain bleeding?' i can stare at
the wallpaper and watch the flowers lean side to side;
and with the slightest bit of concentration they begin
to meander in an upward climb of the vine they're
drawn against. i suspect that it's got a lot to do
with the old LSD excursions, well, i know it does. i
no longer do drugs, but apparently they still do me.
*JenOwl wrote: "But this is how I figured I'm damned
........ I went through the crowd, and they all
started jeering and spitting at me, and throwing
stones and chips and things at me, until I was well
clear. And the Jesus man just laughed and watched,
then started talking again. He didn't say anything
like, 'Jesus wouldn't be too pleased if you threw
things and spat on someone.' He just laughed and went
right on talking about the apostles and how bluddy
grate they were all supposed to be."
i wonder what she was wearing. nevermind that.
this passage from the book of JenOwl reminds me of old
times. when i used to walk the halls of high school
between rows of hissing self-proclaimed christians, i
saw clearly. when i used to rise up from the ground
after getting beaten to a bloody pulp, i heard God.
when the major cliques of the schoolyard drug my name
through the mud, i emerged clean. i doubt Jesus is
neither pleased nor displeased with such people. i
doubt he even knows of them.
anywayz, i'm looking forward to chatting with
some of you soon ... once i gather the nerve to log
on. i'll probably have a s/n with color in it. ex:
pink_lip, purple_punch, dead_red, white_dyke,
orange_porn, green_gulliver, violet_fuck-up ... you
get the idea. later peepz.
(shoots self with finger)
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