Sinister: I love my carsmile
Ken Chu
kenchu at
Fri Jul 27 11:47:04 BST 2001
Bonus points for spotting the subject :-)
A lot of quotes, a lack of contents.
Michelle R. Mitten said:
>> B&S have covered some nice tunes, but I seriously think they should do
the Association's 'Never my Love.' What a amazingly gorgeously grate-tastic
song! It's got a nice organ solo too!<<
Sturan doing an organ solo live on stage would be something I'd pay to see.
Philip Boucher did a lot of maths, which was quite funny, but unfortunately
one of the lines was mathematically incorrect.. I pick up on these things,
being a maths teacher and all.
Oonagh and Jonny said:
>>i know not who they were suffice to say that in their mind's eye they were
performing at their sixth sell-out night at milton keynes not to fifty or so
people in the night and day cafe
I have read that many a time and I still can't conjure up the image of
someone fantacising about playing in Milton Keynes.
Apps Ben (Mr. B) said:
>>Aint Ken magic for doin' that temporary archive. Someone give the man a
Why though? <<
Welcome to the Plumb Centre (plugs time)
----------------------------------------------------------- is a brand new record label, bands signed includes the
phenomenal Red Bull Dozers (, the label is very fond
of sinister hence why they decided to link their address to a mini sinister
Laura Llew said:
>>number three on my list of Top Ten Reasons Why Isobel's Bum Is Like The
Pentagon (it's large enough to have it's on zip code, it has a distinctive
They both have a lot of saddo bedroom devotee computer nerds trying to
infiltrate it.
she also said:
>>Currently I've been falling in love with the latest entry which is
absolutely wondrous. It ends with "You were always on my mind" followed by
(my weakness) the Pixies' "Where in my mind?"<<
What a great choice of songs, I wonder who did it. Tapes like that deserves
to win a llewdicrous prize.
Laura Laura you're so fine, you bllew my mind.
OK, about five people declared their love to me on the list this week, but
no crush votes, where is justice in this world? Carsmile, you stud. Sophie
*, you studdess.
Unstructured e-mails and Red Bulls
P.S.: Dear director of marketing of Kellogg's Cornflakes, instead of having
tokens for a "Complete Secret Agent Kit", can you print "Job Tokens" on the
outside of the box so I can collect a job with 50 tokens?
P.P.S.: I just did a spelling check, and they had the word "Kellogg's" in
the dictionary, but not "Cornflakes", go figure.
P.S.P.D.: I just added "llewdicrous" into the spell checker's dictionary.
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