Sinister: A summer falating
James Thorniley
james.thorniley at
Mon Jul 30 18:31:16 BST 2001
Sorry about the subject line. I thought of something witty, honest, but I
forgot it. So instead I thought of the first lyric that came into my head and
put a rude word in it. I did a search on "falate" on Google to check I spelt
it right and got some Blink 182 lyrics - to a song called "When you f*cked
grandpa". Hehe.. they are a super shit band. I'm not going to pretend I like
them cos they're "just so funny". They're not funny, they're shit. The video
to "Hello" by Lionel Ritchie is *funny*.
I hope i'm not unpopular for appearing happy. I'm miserable really honest..
so anyway.. picnic. The London one that is.
We had lots of fun and drinking. There was guitar and recorder playing as
mentioned. My recorder rendition of Judy and The Dream of Horses was crap
compared to Mark's Boy With the Arab Strap. I was apparently out of key as
I was selling charity raffle tickets to all the twee sinister saps at the
picnic. I'm sorry if you felt I was preying on your sappyness, but I was
suckered too.. I was only selling them because someone randomly rang me up
and said "Would you like to sell some raffle tickets", and I said "Yes" cos
I'm like that.
I'm also sorry if I left any litter after I left. I had to leave early
because I had to do some work with a friend and I worried later that I might
have left some beer cans there and maybe a tuna cucumber sandwich box, in
which case I feel very guilty. I normally clean up after myself, but it was
all a drunken haze.
In spite of this it was a great picnic... the best bit's being
the four stringed guitar, which belonged to someone, and associated hippy
mark playing my recorder through his nose
the strawberries and cream, though I only had strawberries
the non-haribo sweets fruit salad (haribo is evil, apparently)
the shade
staring at people as they arrived to intimidate them
Having a pretty girl in Superdrug is becoming awkward, I'm going to have to
find an alternative reseller for my embarrasing anal wart cream.
I used to play recorder in church. I got to grade 5. A girl from school I
don't know very well once asked me out of the blue if I was still playing the
recorder, and at first I didn't know what she was talking about because I'd
forgotten I ever did. I asked her how she knew and she said she remembered me
playing in her church, which is fucking weird if you ask me. I think I left
my recorder on Primrose hill.. oops. If you picked it up thats very sweet and
you can keep it and play it through your nose to your hearts content as a
prize. If not it is now property of the hill, and therefore recursively
probably belongs to the queen, so she can entertain us all by playing it out
of her nose, but I bet she can't play it out of her arse.
I'll shut up now.. right after I've spent a paragraph explaining how I'm
going to shut up...
James xx
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