Sinister: another year, another artery hardened...

Rob Lorenson rtoad at
Tue Jun 5 15:00:02 BST 2001

It seems that the time of the year has come again known as "Rob's 
Birthday."  This glorious day should be remembered and celebrated 
by all.  Or so I used to think.

I laughed at my parents and my friends when they said as you get 
older your birthday gets less and less a momentous occasion.  But 
I have to agree.  The excitement of my birthday celebration this 
year consisted of watching "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" with 
my sister while eating take-out Thai food.  And then an unplanned 
meeting with a lovely Japanese girl at a cafe who shouted my 
name, her voice echoing off the stucco walls and cobblestone 
walkway, fading into the 5:00 traffic.  A few words said, half a 
double-shot red-eye downed, and I was off into the growing 
shadows with a bag full of sandwich and my head full of her lovely 
face and of Buddha's glory and the Sumi-e I was going to paint that 
day.  I drove by and she waved and said something, her mouth 
moving, her voice unheard outside the closed window and the 
Autechre that was blasting my eardrums.

But today, my birthday, there is a full moon.  Last time there was a 
full moon, an old junkie queen kept asking me if I wanted to turn a 
trick for $10.  But it was Sunday.

I have to go to work now, I'm running a little bit late.

"She's stuck in an infinite loop, and he's an idiot...
that's love for you."
 - futurama.
not stuck in an infinite loop. not stuck in an infinite
loop. not stuck in an infinite loop. not stuck in an infi
nite loop. not stuck in an infinite loop. not stuck in an
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