Sinister: Torbay, Cheadle, Guildford, Kingston and Surbiton :-)
Mark Casarotto
Mark at
Fri Jun 8 10:02:40 BST 2001
Had a big discussion last night about whether voting in elections should be
obligatory like it is in 'Stralia. The two woolly liberals in the room (me
and Miss V) were the ones in favour; my Tory-voting best friend and his
rural conservative (that's the politest way I can think of putting it)
girlfriend thought it was a denial of rights. Is it peculiar that the
right-wingers are advocating freedom of choice and I'm not? Obviously, in
any compulsory vote there'd have to be a "none of the above" section. My
real thinking behind it is my abhorrence of apathy (which comes from being a
deeply undisciplined and apathetic person who would flagellate himself for
it if he could be arsed). But then maybe that's my problem.
I find it hard to post to sinister these days. Perhaps I shot my wad in the
early days, when I thought people were interested in what I was saying, and
got terribly upset about the silliest of things which spurred me on to
scribble more and more rubbish It doesn't really flow any more. Strange. But
apart from the election, something else happened yesterday that's got me
thinking (which I don't do nearly enough of these days). My grandfather
died. So far, other than an awareness of a deeply-hidden knot of something
inside me, I've barely reacted at all. I've been very lucky really; he's the
closest person to me to have died so far, and the whole "how to feel" thing
is making me wonder whether I'm doing it right. Is there a right way? I
suppose not. It wasn't a shock, and there are many aspects of the situation
which are, for us and for him, a blessed relief. I'm not quite sure whether
that's a good thing, but perhaps it's a comfort. I'm also terrified of
seeing my grandmother for the first time since it happened. I feel quite
guilty about that.
Ach, not very interesting, is it? ListGoverness Lulou must be tapping her
fingers and wondering if I'm ever going to get to the point. Hell, this is
sinister, does there have to be one? Perhaps I should say how impressed I am
with the sillustrations that seem to be expanding weekly. I hate you
talented people :-)
I fell off my bike, but it wasn't very Belle and Sebastian.
Mark xxx
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