Sinister: Nasty man
Sally_Moore at
Sally_Moore at
Wed Jun 13 14:56:30 BST 2001
Hello everybody,
I thought some of you might be interested to hear what our favourite fat
boy Steven Wells has to say about the Jonathan David single. Don't read it
if you're a proper twee person, you might cry.
'So you're walking through the woods minding your own business when
suddenly you stumble across a teddy bear's picnic. Aww! So cute and furry
and cuddly! But then one of the bears spots you and points a blunt paw and
soon all the bears stare in your direction with their horribly emotionless
glass eyes. And you s**t yourself. And that's Belle and Sebastian and their
sick posse of f**ked in the head psycho-fans in a freaky nutshell.
Anyway, what about the music? If this gaggle of spectacularly inoffensive
semi-songs were 10 per cent more tuneful, they'd be the sort of dross that
Neil Finn (formerly of Crowded House) casually sticks in the bin on his
occasional bad days. And if they were 10 per cent crapper then the sad
probability is that B&S would probably have been accidentally rounded up
and shot in the f**king head by MAFF slaughtermen ages ago under the
erroneous impression that they were sick sheep. An easy mistake to make.'
I haven't heard it yet but I'm almost certain it can't be that bad ;-)
Eeek, two days till Glasgow. Please keep writing gig reviews, because
they've been so enthusiastic it's making me even more excited about going
to see them.
Honey and Linda have been singing the praises of Belfast Bob and his lovely
face-at first I thought he was a girl in the pictures, whoops. Sometimes I
suprise myself with my silliness. I'm sure he's very handsome in the flesh
though, I trust the list mummies.
I hope this e-mail has the required number of *s to make it through, I've
been in trouble once already today for trying to send an e-mail with rude
words in, tsk, tsk.
See some of you in the park on Saturday for the teddy bears picnic, or
will there just be super cool knitted dollies there? I hope so.
Sally xx
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