Sinister: Give My Regards to Broad Street
Peter Miller
pjmiller at
Thu Jun 14 16:57:11 BST 2001
Nice to hear from the Duke again. Do the Jasmine Minks live in Dunoon or
were they all on holiday there, like the Monkees or Slade?
I'm a bit worried about anyone actually taking my advice regarding the
Saracen's Head. I don't want to be "responsible for several deaths" as
someone put it. I can see the headlines now: RIBENA FANATICS MASSACRED BY
IRN BRU FUNDAMENTALISTS. So perhaps one of the more mature members of the
list could stand outside the Saracen's Head dressed as a lollipop lady and
turn their lollipop to STOP whenever a stray indie kid tries to go inside.
If that's not rock'n'roll enough, you could always dress up as a New York
Dolls lollipop lady, Dave.
I wish I was going too :(
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+-+ "pasty-faced vegan geeks... and we LOST!" - NME April 2000 +-+
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+-+ Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa +-+
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