Sinister: the last temptation of elvis
sophie *
sophiesea at
Fri Mar 9 18:08:35 GMT 2001
howdy pumpkins
talk of smut and the weekend has got me thinking on this whole pillow talk
my number one wishlist song is suspicious minds - i went to a screening of
'elvis - that's the way it is' t'other day, and came out feeling like a
beehive-hair-crazed-housewife. it was *marvellous* - elvis, post 69 leather
comeback, and a bit on the pie side, but still quiveringly delicious.
anyway. so yeah, i reckon suspicious minds'd be a deep fried winner, but i
don't_have_it_on_cd, which foils my plans. darn. anyway. my little
contribution to the list is as follows:
super furries - 1st two albums, surprisingly not the third. 1st is best.
flaming lips (ooh! madam) - the satellite heart
that doves album - ooh rock me till i - erm, rock. one of the all time best
sex records, if you ask me, that and the strokes
the beta band - 3 eps, in a joyous, stoned kinda way.
early teenage fanclub mmm.
having said that, it really doesn't matter - as (was it florence?) said,
it's not the during, but the before and after - that's when you notice it.
and if it happens to be the blue trees by gorkys, well then you've surpassed
'bena: i had a feeling multi flavours would ruffle feathers - i myself
*know* it's wrong, but i still like apple. milk and 'bena makes me shiver.
hot 'bena, though, as someone rightly said, is the doyenne, speshially if
you dip a lolly pop into it - traffic light lolly and hot squash...
otherwise, only orange capri sun offers real competition, cartony drinks
conboys: i met a man on the train the other night - he was drunk and kept
trying to touch my pink fluffy gloves. then he showed me a letter his friend
had written him, from prison! i never saw prison-headed stationary before.
it started off, 'Easy Mike - ', but i didn't want to read any more, i
thought it wasn't fair somehow. tsk, those midnight trains, never short of
drama. as i walked home, i tried to catch snowflakes on my tongue, but i
don't think i got very many. the blossom looked pretty though, in the dark
and the snow.
eminken: i like this ken/stan crossover
posture: nick dastoor, is that *you* in monday's office guardian supplement
thing? showing us how to sit up straight?
the peacock johnson book is just swell. i've been ploughing through
faulkner, and pretending to be clever, even though i keep having to reread
passages. but peacock johnson is like watching louis theroux - non taxing,
but kinda foxy. sorry, that sounded dreadful, didn't it?
i'm outta here
(i just typed ssss instead of xxx and felt like a snake!)
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