Sinister: Life is for Living not for Dying. Live it up People!!
honey at
honey at
Mon Mar 19 14:31:03 GMT 2001
Briefly my poppets, briefly,
Davie Kerr said two things:
> Boy it can be lonely back here behind the lurker curtain. There's even
> lurkers back here who are lurking within the lurker community.
... which I thought was fabulous, probably because I've been behind
the lurker curtain a lot too lately. Very comfy it is there too,
squishy chairs, sleazy lounge music and plates of custard creams
everywhere. Someone else foxy also liked that line too, take
a peek at the Sillustrations gallery at:
Fabulous as ever. Worth also noting that clearly there's something
about Ken makes him that very VERY sillustratable.
Secondly Davie's in BIG trouble, he mustn't have read:
properly, or else he was looking for an excuse to get very very tarty
with us. I quote, from one *single* mail:
> Especially Edward
> Sandwich Hand. Superb!!!!!!
> because my fingers are to chubby for these keys
and, memorably,
> before I vanish like a mans or womans penis
which I think means, Davie, you owe us a picture of a digit, a finger
and um, a thingy. One could also claim that you owe us one more photo
too, based on the premise that your chosen email address appears as
part of the mail. You should feel free to honour this commitment at
your leisure :)
Honey x
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