Sinister: californ I A
Hannah Brown
h.brown6 at
Tue May 8 21:55:18 BST 2001
Well, it has to be said i had a top time at that there picnic. every
single one of you were lovely and one day i hope we can all live in a
big house together and grow lots of strawberries.
yes i did meet graham coxon, he signed my purse, and i breifly met that
tindersticks bloke who is on one of the front covers. All in all it was
a very strange day. Peter carter is brilliant and i think he is
sponsored by GSYBE because he mentions them quite a bit (proof in the
latest messege). I would have talked to pf more but he scared me.The
tigermilkin was ACE i just wanted to cry when they played b&s, they even
play a tindersticks song, snif. And i seem to remember being escorted to
my bus stop by a limping sweety, who could that be then???????? Thats
bout it, hello everyone hopefully this film will look fab.
er, yeh muchstuff hannah b
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