Sinister: le Arsicles de la bourgeoisie
Kenneth P Y Chu
kpc98c at xxx.UK
Mon May 14 18:42:08 BST 2001
I've just had a thought the other day, that having arsicular cancer would be
a pain in the arse... I dunno why I thought that.
I didn't have a pain in the arse, but I did have a bit of pain in the tummy
yesterday, after two day's worth of solid post-dissertation-handing-in
drinking. Hmmmmm vodka.
I was tempted to write to Ilovelarrythefrog at, but I suspected that
I may have to speak French if I wrote to Larry, who is French, and since my
vocabulaire des francais (thank you babelfish) consists of:
"Ja'ime la vodka"
"ah ah ah"
and "yeeeeeeeerk"
I don't think Monsieur Larry will appreciate it too much.
Sam Walton said:
>>Anyway, Clarke, Sarah J (EU) wrote a fine post I thought. More incediary
anti-twee ramblings along those and Ken's lines would be good I think, but
then again perhaps that would be better suited on a Clash list, or on a list
where everybody is a maths teacher who thinks it's cool to own three
post-1998 albums ;o) Sorry. Anwyay...<<
I just saw my name mentioned, yay!.. but I think instead of the clash list
we should do all that on a list where we all snog each other.
Hmm wait a second.. :)
"The day that Thatcher died" is a lie!! Does that mean Mrs Thatcher will
be alive with us forever!? Arrrrrrrrgh! Good thing I'm a Tory supporter,
they help the Fat Cats like people with computing jobs get richer...
..I'll have to find that stinking job first, tho.
Arsicles and Red Bulls
You're too tall, much too tall for a boyfriend
they run and hide, from your bucktooth and split ends
- Belle & Sebastian
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