Sinister: yes, me, i'm going to scarborough fair...
tp218 at
Wed May 16 17:54:24 BST 2001
never been to scarborough before. i'm all excited. although it does bear
slightly too close a resemblance to the word 'scabrous' for comfort.
Hannah Brown wrote:
> something about a we should write a b&s football song, can't remember
the precise details
may i suggest the title 'fold your hands child, you walk like dave
may i? no?
(especially to the vast swathes of listees who haven't got a clue who the
man dave beasant is)
i just realised that i now have 1 1/2 weeks to learn my entire final
year course. i'm guessing this won't be easy, or they'd just teach it in 1
1/2 weeks, rather than 'a year'. if anybody has a deep knowledge of
metaphysics, epistemology, sociology of science and the history of
medicine, you're more than welcome to get in touch with me to tell me the
answers (or indeed to impersonate me for the duration of my exams). do
they have 'answers' these days? i'm not sure they do. i think that might
just have been maths and chemistry, anyway.
i fondly remember geography, when all you did was colour in maps.
oh, and please forgive mr charlie his obsession with agrarian collectives.
we watched ken loach's 'land & freedom' last night, it has that sorta
effect. give him a few days, he'll be back to advocating what could best
be described as artistic kibbutzes founded on a system of communitarian
intellectual activity, as is normally his wont. either way, the revolution
is important, kids.
yours off to join the international brigade,
tommi (sheffield wednesday's owl)
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