Sinister: Carters World
Hannah Brown
h.brown6 at
Thu May 17 22:08:11 BST 2001
If that previous messege was you shying away from real discussion then
god help us all. This idea of mediocrity =popularity is interesting. i
kind of agree. i remember at college it was alway the dull fuckers who
were the most popular, but then its usually the freaks and geeks that go
down in history.
im a bit dubious about how you draw up your mediocrity table though. how
do you do it? the idea that taste is limited to food only is daft.Kings
of Conv', to be honest, is incredebly (sp?) "mediocra", its easy to
listen to and isnt really ground breaking, but the fact is that it is
fab to listen to and warms you up inside. suggesting that 1984 "follows
the surface rules" is laughable(even though i havent read it yet,
i find it hard to argue with messeges cause i take things the wrong way,
i need tone of voice to help me through so if if ive contradicted myself
or anything just ignore it.
im djing tonight and im scared. love hannah
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