Sinister: bad news is better taken on bended knee
Paul Arathoon
paularathoon at
Mon May 21 22:37:27 BST 2001
Today, whilst wandering with few aims and less intentions, around Borders
bookshop I picked up a copy of Record Collector magazine. Not sure why I
did, but opening it up I saw they had their poll of readers' favourite
bands. all 500 of them.
Scanning down the list which started predictably with the Beatles, I noticed
Belle and Sebastian in like a bullet at number... 367. Shockingly, 117
places worse off than they had been in 1999.
Bands more popular than B&S included Van der Graaf Generator and Asia.(I bet
that's the first time those 3 have been mentioned in the same sentence)
I'm excited to be going off to glasgow for a day of Belle, Sebastian, and
Buckfast for the 16th though less enamoured with the prospect of hours at
the mercy of the train network. and i am even more excited at going to the
Albert Hall cos it is a bit posh.
I'm enjoying work despite the air conditioning going a bit wrong and making
the office 38c at 10am on tuesday. On the plus side we had to be let home
becasue the computer server network was not enjoying the greenhouse effect.
It was like working in sauna minus all the advantages of working in a sauna.
hope to see some of you at a picnic sometime
P a u l
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