Sinister: Nina mia na saba kuku

Rob Butler rewbutler at
Thu May 31 18:07:04 BST 2001

On Thursday, 8 Jan 1998 (I kid you not!), Stuart Gardiner wrote:

>Someone mentioned that B&S could play the Royal Albert Hall. Well on
>the basis that someone said a while back that B&S were only playing
>Manchester Town Hall because of the architecture, I'd say it's a real
>possibility. They probably couldn't sell it out yet, but in a few months
>time who knows? It would suit them perfectly, I hope they do because it
>would be ****ing awesome...

And then, one week later, he also wrote:

>Oh, and if the band really do read this list occasionally, can I get down
>on my knees and beg you to play a gig(s?) at the Royal Albert Hall? That
>would be the most incredible experience ever...

Well, it's only taken 3 years and 5 months, but it proves that the band 
really do take notice of what the fans want.  We should all thank Stuart G 
for suggesting it in the first place.

Those irritated by Jubilant UK fans who can't stop going on about it should 
note that, searching in the archive for Royal Albert Hall produces nearly 
twice as many matches from early 1998 as May 2001.  Plus there were only 
about 200 people on the list then anyway.  Having said that, everyone calls 
it RAH! now, which is good, but means that my figures are biased.  Who 

Other things...  Come to Ipswich everyone!  I've been doing some research, 
and roughly half of the tickets are still on sale.  Some friends and I are 
going to stay in a nice campsite, with swimming pool and bar no less, only a 
stone's throw (4 miles - you just have to be good at throwing stones) from 
the town centre.  It's easy to get to from London, Cambridge, and more or 
less anywhere else in SE England, and there are early trains in the morning 
to get to work if you're that way inclined (like me).

Jonathan and David.  I haven't heard the song, but the story of Jonathan and 
David seems perfect B&S material.  There is much controversy over whether J 
& D were lovers or just good friends.  For example, this passage, from 1 
"...Jonathan became one in spirit with David and he loved him as himself."
is about as smutty as the bible gets.  Apart from Songs of Solomon, the 
'Lady Chatterley's Lover of the Old Testament'.  Anyway, even today there 
are heated arguments between biblical fundamentalists & liberals, etc etc.

Enough biblical smut.  I learned a new word yesterday - I always thought 
floccinaucinihilipilification was the longest word ever, but apparently 
there is a disease called pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.  
I'd love to be diagnosed with that, purely to see the expression on the 
doctor's face when he has to break the news.  Something to do with breathing 
in volcanic dust, I think.

Can anyone recommend some good lounge music? (a la Songs for the Jet Set)  
Lounge music is good, as is pseudo-Mexican music and Eastern European folk 
music.  Am I the only one who has a Serbian folk ditty as my mobile 
ring-tone?  Yes, thought so.

I saw Le Gout des Autres the other day.  It's a new French film, and is very 
good.  I hadn't heard of it, but just turned up at the arts cinema and saw 
the first film that was showing (always the best way to do it, I reckon).  
The theme tune is fantastic - very French kitsch.  Apparently it was 
nominated for an Oscar, so perhaps I should have heard of it.  Anyway, go 
and see it if you get a chance.  It's funny, touching, and in French.

Well, the working day is nearly over, and I had better head off home.  It's 
a nice evening - I look out over Westminster Cathedral, and it looks all 
orange and Mediterranean in the evening sunlight.  One day I must bring my 
camera to work with me before my work finishes (I'm temping).  I love 
sunlight on summer evenings.

I'm sure I had some real reason for posting to the list, but never mind.

Signing off...
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