Sinister: The State that I Am In.
dougiefish at
Thu Nov 1 22:29:31 GMT 2001
I'm all for new experiences; Experiences like getting
drunk at frat parties are new. So that's precisely why I
went frat hopping last night; Something new.
Everything must be experienced at least once (except
perhaps eating sauerkraut, I know without having
tried it that it can't be enjoyable). For someone who
never drinks, I was remarkably able to consume. 2
beers, a Zima, and 5 straight alcohol shots (does
anyone really drink tequila straight? I wouldn't
recommend it). It didn't make me feel adult, but it did
make me feel like I'm living up (or down) to society's
expectations of me as a teenager. And a Uni student.
No hangover, but no sleep + 2 shots of espresso in
the morning made for an interesting philosophy
lecture, especially given as how the prof kept using
the phrase "The state that I am in" ; "The state that it is
in" ; "The state that you are in". Understandably I was
in a state of semi-dazed Belle & Sebastian
reflectionism. I can heartily endorse it as a nice state
of consciousness to be in. Fodor & Belle &
Sebastian. Who wouldve thought?
I must agree that crushes are wonderful things, even
when they hurt. Its a sort of revitalizing pain.
Sometimes I forget that I exist and need that pain or
that passion to reaffirm my humanity. Sinister
crushes must be some of the best; I have never had
a boy who understood Belle & Sebastian, no matter
how many mix tapes I made. I still send tapes to the
one I left, but he still listens to his trip-hop and cannot
understand The State That I Am In. Being the most
prosaically mundane and un-hipster Belle &
Sebastian fan out there, I can probably assume I
wont ever have a boy who understands that aspect of
me (admittedly a very big & important aspect), or am I
wrong to assume that all other B&S fans are
terminally cooler than I am? It usually feels that way.
(No worries, though, I am perfectly comfortable with
my terminal unhip-ness).
I havent managed yet to ascertain if there are any
other Sinisterians in the pacific northwest. There
must be; now who are you?
Peace, Love and Poptarts!
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