Sinister: The CHUnited States of KENlamity, hey!

Rachel fruitloop blind_lisa at
Fri Nov 9 00:48:59 GMT 2001


It used to be that as I read your posts I could just copy the bits
that appealed to me into my own draft for the list and then post
about 2 times a week, but y'all are so prolific that I am finding
that to unify our voices, it's taking more like 3 posts a week to
keep them in a readable format! I just hope that it isn't too
tiresome for you... I always get paranoid that I'm posting to often
or too much.  And Carsmile Steve will be happy to hear that I re-read
the rules and I am also paranoid about pasting too many quotes and
not writing enough of my own. Hi Carsmile! ;) I think my paranoia is
what makes me so fruitloopy.  Or maybe I'm just a fan of Black
Sabbath. You be the judge!

I'll warn you now, I'll be posting a lot again soon! I have really
only been able to read carefully through posts up until Tuesday!

Rich. Gil. wrote: "but sometimes.  when I'm reading.  it feels like
I'm writing. I had imagined there was more than there is."
It's a funny thing to weave a tapestry of the current threads,
because it does seem to me like there was more than there is, too! 
When I'm reading I feel like I'm writing... but probably because I


"Like a powerful Jedi telling an apprentice that he’s doing good."
(eh, Jose?!) I'd like to give a loud shout out to Jose Emanuel!!!!
WELCOME to Lucyebrown!!!! Grate introductory posts, Lucy and Jose!


Photo-Cola-Cube Jenni Cay wrote: "I go over to talk to him and
introduce myself whereupon he comes out with the best chat-up line
I've heard in ages."I've been drawing a lot of naked women recently."
And when I went "Oh really?" He replied "Yeah, tourists will do
anything for a tenner..." God bless pissed Arts students."
Ooh, I love bad pick-up lines!  My favorite right now is to approach
someone and feel the sleeve of their shirt or the collar and say "Is
this felt?" and when they say "no" or just look confused, I say "It
is now" and run my hand down their arm or chest, depending on how
well I know them/how much I've had to drink!  They usually laugh.

Chris Jones wrote: "What I find amusing is the string of women Mr.
Walton has following him wherever he goes. Like the Pied Piper, only
Different because the rats have boobies?  And because THEY want the
piper to pay THEM for blowing his flute?
And Chris, you're important.  But it hasn't made me ease up on my
posting (and your Sarah Martin style kung fu chop will be the most
action I've seen in a while!)

Dimitra wrote about long distance relationships/list crushes: "When
I'm walking the streets of my town, and they for some reason look
particularly beautiful. I know there's someone wishing he was there
with me. That there is someone who'd like me to think of him. And I
always thought, or rather, no, I have discovered, that the actual
part of a relationship, what makes it *it*, is having someone in your
mind and in your heart. And near your soul."
This is particularly beautiful to me because I like to think of
letting people into my heart and soul.  I like to imagine that the
mundane world can be cut out like bruised spots on an apple, and at
the core of me is an idea, a seed, if you will... for love. Awww! :) 

Will Salt wrote: "I had an idea the other day for a Grand Project.  I
want to write my autobiography in pictures, because it would be much
better than words."  and then he went into things not to be confused
with other things, and Through The Looking Glass.  Take a picture of
this one for your book, Salt. This post left no doubt in my mind that
you RAQUE my world!  So much for Wills v. Rachels rivalry... I've got
a crush on the adversary. *sigh*  I'm so ashamed.

Johnjohn wrote: "i plucked up the courage after hours to ask her to 
dance with me, and my bestest attempts to make her smile or giggle
ended up in vein as “i'll be right back” really meant “sorry” and i
never saw her for the rest of the evening….and that is why i am never
chasing a girl again."

And then Danny wrote: "I remember sitting in my room hatching a
masterplan to woo her over, i decided on a poem rather than a wee 
cute sweetie because i knew she liked poetry."
I wrote an extremely seductive poem to my Smartly Dressed friend.  He
said that it made him blush, but I think that he liked it. Although,
it didn't really fuel the fire of passion between us as I had hoped
it would.  Kids, it just goes to show that our talents of picking out
lovehearts and writing poetry don't necessarily go unnoticed, just
not as inspirational to the objects of our affection as we had hoped
to be.  I think next time I will avoid all of the niceties and just
shove him up against the wall and have my way with him. Cos, geez,
what a waste of a good poem!!!!

Rich.Gil. wrote: "crushvoting: isn't the anonymity a wee bit...? 
hey. I wondered who had sent.  but.  then.  I stopped."
Yeah, well, I think it's really fun to be crushed anonymously but so
much MORE FUN when you find out who it is and you can sweet-talk
eachother!  Isn't that right Benny-bunny?  That is, until the Super
Furry Animals quotes run out! ;)  Keep the crush votes coming,
they're grate!!

Guess what!?  People listened to what I said!  
I said: "I want to have a Sinister 'List Date' on Friday night" and
now a bunch of us are meeting up at Buca di Beppo in Pasadena on
Green St for dinner at 9!  Yay!  L.A. Sinisterines unite!  We'll see
about the "take over" part! Full report coming this weekend! It will
be Grrrrrate!

Joe "Rachel Pancake" Vester wrote: "Fruitloop (my team-mate), when
you were 15, all the boys like me were hanging around wondering why
all the girls didn't like us and neither did most of the boys."
You're right Joe, you boys were probably there all along when I was
15, but I was too busy dating the cool 19-year-old with the piercings
and the motorcycle (to upset my parents, of course!) Damn! Talk about
a role reversal!  I'm such a dirty old lady now, going 'round with
barely legals and such! A couple more years Joe, and watch out!! You
won't be able to keep the girls OR boys away! ;) 

Lovely Juju Cat wrote: "boys are dumb, i guess. they want something,
and want to chase it, and sometimes they do.. but this one, he wants
something, but just sits there dreaming about it, putting me off like
he doesn't have the time.. what does it mean?"
Oh Juju! It means that he's not willing to do the work to make it a
reality, or that he's so self-centered and caught up in the idea that
there's something to chase that he doesn't feel that he even needs to
go through the motions. In esscence, he is satisfied with the *idea*
of chasing an idea. It can only spell heartache and frustration, my
sweet! I, personally, don't have time for the dood who will not even
be lured into a good chase. And really, it shouldn't even come to
that, you're so super cool and pretty that any boy reading this now
would be *lucky* to have your attention, Juju!

Lindsey lou was ill.  I hope you get better soon, luv! I loved
Lindsey's wondering "why the bed is called a twin-size when it only
ever holds one."  good question. I suppose by choosing to sleep in a
twin bed, I can't exactly complain about it being empty, can I?  I
suppose you can't either.  I suppose we need to go buy new big kid
beds and then we can complain about the emptiness of the
middle-matress lovers!

Piddlemonkey the Rachel Griddlemonkey wrote: "I would quite like to
just sit next to her, and hold her hand.  without saying a word."
Oooh, this idea is nice.  I like the thought of seeing a certain
somebody but not saying a word to eachother, and how romantic it
would be if he stood near me and just reached over to hold my hand. 
Holding hands is terribly cute. I am into it. Such innocent
affection. Warms a girl's heart, I tell ya!

Stacey Dahling quoted Carson McCullers:"And the curt truth is that,
in a deep secret way, the state of being beloved is intolerable to
many, the beloved fears and hates the lover, and with the best of
This quote is so very true, I think. that's why "the chase" happens
at all.  I think I like being chased much more now than I used to. 
It brings up a lot of self-doubt when you are the adored rather than
the adorer. 

Big Stu wrote: "List crushes are all well and good, but really we all
want some down-and-dirty Sinister loving. None of this pansying about
emailing people in different countries, just get on with it. Then we
can create a whole new generation of B&S fans, and the world will be
a better place."
Yes, indeed.  Except for like Astrid was saying not too long ago
about singing Belle & Sebastian someday whilst taking the kids to
school and how the kids will probably hate b&s because kids rebel
against their parents.  So we must all pretend to love terrible music
so our love children will have grate taste!

Vanessa wrote: "I wish human relationships would work the same way as
my ZoneAlarm firewall does."
I think we develop a sense for these things with experience, and
although the warnings don't pop up as blatantly as they do with your
firewall, you can develop a sense about when somebody isn't going to
be nice to you or when you have withstood enough torture.  
Unfortunately, we don't always heed the warnings! Believe me when I
say that I don't listen to me, either!

Jim Gilmer quoted his friend Erin as saying "Fuck love, fuck it with 
That is *such* a grate answer for occasions when someone says "I love
you" and you don't understand why they're saying it to you when it's
so inappropriate!

Lalala la you're so vain, I bet you think this post is about you....

Madeleine wrote: "I have decided to stop being so nice about people
in my posts as it only makes them vain, like Big Stu Gardiner."
ha ha!  That was a good one! But be nice to me in your posts Mad, or
I'll *cry* like Big Stu is over there hiding behind that chair! ;)

**************************THIS IS MUSIC***************************

The sushi waiter Tim Banning (His play opens tomorrow night!  Break a
leg, Tim!) said: "They called Belle and Sebastian a "Simon and
Garfunkle cover band".  Fare enough, considering he has a Linkin Park
CD and likes it."
Ecchhhh! A bit of trivia: at my old job, we did all the merchandising
for Linkin Park on the web because the president of the company is
one of the guitar player's father. So, I knew about Linkin Park
before they were rock stars and they were called "Zero" and then
"Hybrid Theory" and have gone bowling with some of them, etc. You
think that their fans have any idea that Linkin Park FIRED their old
singer because Warner Brothers didn't like him and they wanted a
deal?  Warner Brothers also found their singer Chester for them.  So
much for formulated boy bands just being the 'Nsync type!

JoPerry (not to be confused with Joe Perry, Aerosmith guitarist)
wrote: "i feel obliged and somehow sad to mention was that a rather
rumbunctous man swore at me when i mentioned them (B&S) in a musicy
conversation. How blinkin rude. Mind you his Parker coat was grubby
so i felt superior anyway."
Yeah, I don't know why people can't handle talking about Belle &
Sebastian as having any musical credibility, and it pisses me off! 
Especially after seeing them live.  They are far more superior to a
lot of popular bands around these days. Besides this fact, why do
people tend to be so rude about it?  I think they're threatened
because they KNOW b&s rule the school deep down and they're just not
twee enough to admit it!!

Didn't CHU know, she was one of the original members and got kicked
out for an accessive use of Big Sexy Hair hairspray!

JenOwl wrote: "And this became the legendary episode of me teaching
Dino from Fear Factory how to play Bigmouth Strikes Again and some of
String Bean Jean. "
That is the stuff that dreams are made of!!!  I can't even picture
it!  Please tell me that somebody recorded this event for your
pictoral autobiography!!!  Hey, I just thought of something really
funny I have on an audio tape somewhere: Brett Anderson from Suede
singing "SubMission" by the Sex Pistols completely drunk off his arse
on Jagermeister! Not very "fey" of him at all!

Robin Stout wrote: "La la la... I love my car, I love my.. Oh no
that's 'Lady In Red', let's try again..." 
When I read that I laughed so hard that milk came out of my nose, and
I wasn't even drinking milk!

Jim Gilmer wrote: "It's a bit weird to look around and realize no
one's even bobbing their heads. I mean, honestly, there's an amazing
band pumping out insane amount of noise and ace beats and these
people look like dogs being shown a card trick."
UM YA, WHAT-EVER! *Rachie makes an "L" with her finger and thumb to
her forehead*  I don't know WHAT this new trend is with people not
dancing very much at all!  Especially to bands like Quasi and
Stereolab, or BELLE & SEBASTIAN!!
Carmel echoed the sentiment when she wrote: "That made me want to cry
because how could you NOT dance to B&S??"
Yeah, I know that probably everybody reading this right now would be
dancing their legs down to the knees, right?  Come on, I did it *on
stage* in between Stu and Isobel, you lot can certainly shake a
tailfeather out in the crowd! Plus, I think it helps the whole energy
of a show if the band can see everyone getting into the groove!

Carmel wrote: "there is a little article about Belle and Sebastian's
show in Portland in a recent issue of Spin.  It has a really cute
picture of Stuart talking to the audience and describes the feeling
of the crowd that night pretty well."
The picture is too small, though.  B&S should have gotten the cover
instead of Kid Rock!

*****************************FUN STUFF****************************

Big Stu, korfball sounds like something that Gordon Schumway would
play.  You know, ALF?  Alien Life Form?  No problem?  Ate cats? Ring
a bell?

Kyla wrote: "one doesn't expect to be preached to by a naked fat
impersonator with a penchant for publicly consuming his own piss. but
one would be wrong."
That was a super-duper crazy story alright!!!  I liked it.  It kind
of made me sick, yet made me happy that there are such CRAZY people
out there making their "art". Just as long as they are not in MY
neighborhood bringin' the property value down, maaaan!

Welcome Beth, who sent a first post! Beth jumped right in like
double-dutch with this comment to Will: "Wouldn't it be fantastic to
smoke loads of opium in the name of art?"
Hmmm. The Wills are probably crazy enough to do it.  maybe the
Chris', too.  I think the Rachels are too scared to smoke opium.  At
least, this one is!

Tom flashboy is back and he eluded to: "someday I will tell you about
the "half-naked Jonny Vegas calling a barn dance while wearning a
pink stetson" incident. Oh, I will tell you...." and he also named
his cows some quite adorable names!  So?  Where's our story, TOM?!

Astrid wrote: "I met an old lady that lives in our house. She looks
like she´s 100 years old, she is so cool."
When I read this I kept picturing that Astrid was talking about a
ghost in her house... Is she a ghost or a live person?

Cynical Fiona wrote the most amusing pairing of sentences: "i'm
making myself angry now so I'll stop. I can't wait for christmas ;-)"

Jim Gilmer wrote "This is why we need jetpacks and flying cars.
They'd make sinister drink-ups so much easier."  Yes, indeed, I
agree.  If we're still going to have horrible wars and destruction I
want my damn jetpack and my flying car!  I'll come to visit you Elise
and Kirsten, and to Primrose Hill for Mr. Bunny Apps, I'll make a Chu
stop, and follow the big hunk Asm around a bit, and then make a Llew
stop, and a Mandee May stop...  and then I'll get you, adorable Jimmy
G.! Oh, I'll get you....

***************************!VIVA RACHELS!**************************

Rachel O.J. wrote: "i'm so looking forward to the mix-tape-battle!
the rachels is going to show you all how grate we are!! it'll be
Yes, indeed!  2 of the Rachels will be at my house this weekend (Miss
Cornflake and Miss Cheeriodle)  and we will continue working on the
mix!!  So far, SO GOOD!!! You Wills and Chris' should be shakin' in
yer boots!!!

Nik Ovenden wrote: "Under-20's club Isn't this a bit cliquey?  Along
with the Rachel/Will cold war ensuing, shouldn't we be striving for
group unity?  I don't know..."  
Well Nik, I'm glad to inform you that not only do many of the Rachels
have crushes on Judge Chu, but this Rachel is smitten with not only
Will Salt, but also Chris Pez!! *Rachie hides head waiting for rotten
tomatoes to be chucked*  Also, I tend to get locked out of the
Sinister Retirement Community for missing curfew whilst taking out
the barely legals of the Under-20's set, so I personaly am ALL FOR
the group unity, believe me! In more ways than one!


Stacey Dahling wrote: "But it’s disconcerting to realize one 
day that the entire nature of your home has changed dramatically. And

it’s probably a good thing that I will be forced to be social. But.
But. But. I dunno."
Yes, Stacey, I am still suffereing in the face of my brother's
irresponsibility, our household is not fun.  I can relate to the
sudden crowded feeling. Now, my brother said that he was coming to
get his stuff and move to Nevada, that was after he ran off and got
married and we didn't hear from him for 2 weeks. He got fired from
his job.  He and his wife flew out here, and her friend was supposed
to *give* them a car. (who the hell just *gives* you a car?!) When
they went to pick it up it had been towed, and his wife got mad at
the friend and told her that she had to pay for them to get back to
Nevada because they had no other way back.  The friend, of course,
didn't! So they sat around my house for a week. The wife lost her job
in Nevada.  Our parents loaned them money to rent a truck and they
moved all of the wife's stuff and her 2 little dogs into our house,
so that my brother's *band* could be cultivated for probably another
seven years or so out here.  Meanwhile, he paid his portion of the
rent for November, so I am trying to be patient, but if they don't
get jobs and their own apartment by November 30th I don't care, they
are OUT!  Oh my brothers and sisters, can I get a *JERRY*JERRY*JERRY*
He had a stroke at the age of 24, I think.  My brother is just not
right in the head! Grrrr!

Tracy Ebberts wrote: "her father tells me this morning that he is
ready to head off to seattle...and if it means leaving hayley, so be
and my heart is breaking in a million different ways...
the funny thing is...this is why i like b&s..."
This is so sad that your daughter's daddy is moving far away. I like
that you are making a parallel to B&S in such a heart-wrenching
situation.  I won't say that I'm *jealous* that you have something so
IMPORTANT to relate to their music, but definitely in awe of it, in a
sense.  Mostly I just feel sad for your little family and I'm sorry
because that would be unimaginable to have a child and see her in
this situation!  I hope it all works out ok.


Amy "Rachel AppleJacks" Longcore wrote of the sunset:"all that crazy
pink and orange seemingly hitting the earth with a somehow fierce
That is utterly gorgeous Amy. I like the fierce softness of the
sunset.  I miss the sunset since the time change.  Now it's dark when
I go home from work and I used to be just in time for the sunset.

This is what Chris Pez wrote that made my heart melt: "i lay on my
bed face down 'till it was dark. i watched the sodium lamp outside my
window flick on and then change from a deep red to the orange glow we
all know and love. the clouds changed from huge stratospheric to thin
straggling horizontal. like great expectations, but the only uprights
in the scene were telegraph poles, not jibbets."
It gives me chills, it's so pretty.  He claims to have been drunk
when he wrote it... this Chris must be a total chick magnet! ;)

Genevieve wrote: "Imagine that - in Los Angeles that have pomegranate
trees!"  Yes, indeed!  And lots and lots of citrus! I'll invite you
over for pomegranites and huge bumpy lemons that grow from a tree
that is spliced together with a naval orange tree, and you'd think
that the lemons would be sweet or the oranges would be sour, but they
actually grow on different boughs! There's pink grapefruits but they
have their own tree, and small red apples that sometimes grow big if
the squirrels and worms don't get them first. It's like an orchard
back there, and if I had a jaccuzzi we could get lobster red and then
roll around in February... well, dirt and grass, because we don't get
snow where I live.  It snowed once in 1988. I remember. I had
pneumonia and broke a rib coughing. I stayed home from school and
played Nintendo for about a month!

Archel Toast wrote: "but it's better than the time i dropped 
villette by charlotte bronte in a rockpool in pembrokeshire."
This struck me as really hilarious because it's awful that you
spilled water on a library book and had to blow it dry under a dryer!
But to say this is like saying "it's better than a poke in the eye
with a sharp stick" only more twee!

*********************DIDN'T CHU KNOW? by JenOwl********************

"Oh, and if there are any complete geeks in glasgow, near the
Belgrove Hotel where all the crazy drunk homeless men stand outside
and spew, theres a place called Chu's Cuisine. So ken, you've been
found out. You sell kebabs to alcholics."

***********************FAVORITE QUOTES*****************************

"I may be loves bitch, but I'm not man enough to admit it."--Will

"The world might just be magical after all."--Dimitra

Well, I shall see you L.A. kids tomorrow night!

Love to you all (especially Ryan, Elise, Ben and the Rachels!),
Rachel fruitloop 

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