Sinister: people say...
idleberry at
Wed Nov 14 11:04:24 GMT 2001
Mark said
"wait for the facts to emerge in due course. They
always do."
Mark is totally wrong.
They never ALWAYS emerge. There are plenty of facts
that have NEVER emerged, because of all sorts of
reasons, like conspiracy theories and stuff. People
don't always tell you all the facts. And sometimes,
the facts hide, like little frightened animals,
refusing to be revealed. All that really comes out of
anything is different peoples opinions and beliefs and
theories about things, and they are usually plausible,
because we have been led to believe that we should
"trust" certains peoples judgements. But really,
should we?
Have a little more faith in paranoia, Mark. Works for
My boss said
"Who is arranging the night out tonight?"
And apparently it was supposed to be me.
my mum said
"Are you ready?"
to me this morning.
I had to conclude that I wasn't. But after five
minutes of deliberating on my lipgloss, I was.
And that, is that.. for now.
===== and the world did get covered in a thick haze of corduroy smoke. And it felt good.
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