Sinister: I see dallas, dynasty, silver hawks, he-man, tom and jerry, dukes of hazzard, airwolf, blue thunder, rambo, road runner, daffy duck, the A-team, the A-team,...
Richard Gillanders
r_gillanders at
Sun Nov 18 17:14:20 GMT 2001
I was, like, gonna post. and, right, I have. I was
gonna. but I had none of the inspiration. so I
wasn't. but I have. and there's still none of the
inspiration. but I did it. yeah.
it's just been kinda slow of late.
and it's just that I liked ian's post. and I thought
I'd pick up some of the ones he used. but without
copying him. I hope. d.
as always: please forgive the inconsistent tensing.
it isn't so annoying. sometimes you won't even
notice. I promise.
[with thinking: that could be cheeky][naw. but only
if you thought about it too much.]
ian said of a song:
>easy as 1, 2, 3
>.....that's how easy love can be"
>that turned out to be the most vicious of lies.
>later on, that man cut
>nose off to spite his face. in his elder years he
>asked me "what about
>i didn't answer. i know nothing of elephants.
ABC. I rediscovered my old NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL
MUSIC tapes recently. yep.
I was on a train on wednesday. it was probably
wednesday. and in the morning and busy. and lucky to
get a seat. and unlucky for it to be beside the
people it was beside. ladies talking about a 'girl'
they work with who has thrown away opportunities.
chances. there was a LOT of talk. it really sounded
like these women were concerned. rather than just
bloody gossipping. sounded. and ONE OF THEM. yeah.
she says that this 'girl'. they said 'silly girl' so
many times. well. she's 'biting off her nose to
spite her face'. I was pretending to sleep. I gave
up pretending after I erupted in mirth at her
wonderfully illustrative simile. well. it's similar.
and you'd use 'like'. [even if you didn't]. but. I
mean: if you were to cut off your nose to spite your
face. well. if something were LIKE that. that's an
EXTREME measure. BUT WOW. if you were to BITE it
off. blimey. that girl. I dono. she musta been a
and the woman that said it. she musta been a bit.
confused. like. she was cutting off the hand that
feeds her.
anyhow. the other women kept going and didn't notice.
and one where a guy said of his beaten up bike. like.
to express that he still found it useful. 'y'know,
it gets you from here to B'. I like it when things
get mixed up. I'm sure someone probably got a bit
overly...yeah...and said that something would get you
'from A to Z' as well. comprehensive. it sure sounds
familiar. perhaps I've just thought it before. what!
from the same as the other two.
at home for the weekend. my dad was going out and
told me. he was. going tiger hunting with his
elephant and gun.
there are worse things to have in your head.
one that has a line 'running just as fast as we
I went to a nightclub last night. during the night.
I don't go to nightclubs. but being home for the
weekend. and seeing kids I knew from high school.
they go to nightclubs. so. and one of the kids one
of the kids I know knows. talked about a 'song' that
goes on and on about 'sexy eyes' and how, once,
mistakenly,, he sang it to a girl with a glass eye.
lots of us pretended to laugh. lots and lots.
ian said jim gilmer said:
>>Speaking of Talent-Free Zones; Tori Amos.....<snip>
>The same goes for
>Magnetic Fields.
ian said something in french which I guessed meant he
didn't quite agree.
yes. the magnetic fields couldn't be talent-free in
my opinion. right. and jimi. I never really got
around to trying to be interested in that. although I
did almost rush out and buy an album when I heard of
'electric landlady'. but then my brother told me the
real title of it and I realised that I don't really
suit rushing anyway. so I didn't. either. let me
continue. and add. perhaps not in a positive way. I
never really liked your pink floyd or your led
zeppelin. and I like them less that just not not
liking them now. since a kid at my school professes
being 'ALL ABOUT MUSIC' but only likes led zeppelin.
and pink floyd. oh. and cream. there are others
that I never really could see the fuss about [I typed
'fudd' there initially. F. cuh.] but, perhaps, in
time. or perhaps not.
if the things I wrote were all well laid out and,
like, were constructed the best they could be. maybe
it would be less fun.
and I'd hate it if I used all that punctuation
'properly'. look-
I was trying to figure out why mandee wright hasn't
gotten any crushvotes yet. I gave up; a waste of
time: there's no reasonable explanation. I'd rectify
it myself if I could. if I were able to. if I had
the power. some people will realise I should
imagine.:;,they always do.
I can't think of anything else to write. or to not.
I think a bunch of us should get together and get a
book of scots colloquial-speak together for the
pinefox. or go to the cinema. no. we needn't
choose. we can do both. 'though. cinema this week.
perhaps. 'member an' bring yer jeely-jaurs.
anything else?
I see the A-team,
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