Sinister: It's no wonder Ken Chu is dribbling spit tonight

Rachel fruitloop blind_lisa at
Mon Nov 19 08:34:31 GMT 2001

This is my fourteenth post to the list...It has been well over a week
since I last posted.  Did you miss me?  I got really busy.  Then I
got really depressed.  Then I got really busy again.  Just when I got
the e-mails in my inbox waiting for comment down below 50, the sun
rose again and again and now it's numbered 85.  So I figured, hell, I
might as well post what I already put together (I got nearly to the
end of last Monday) because if I comment on all of the stuff still in
the inbox, this email is going to be 50k!!! As it is this one is
going to be a long post! It's all good stuff, but nothing deserving
an email of legendary proportions! (sorry Ken!) 

Welcome to Alan from Scotland!!! and Claudia from Brazil!!!!  AND

Owen returns with less cinnamon, and just had a birthday!  Welcome
back, and happy belated birthday!!!  Also welcome back to the List
Dom Lisa!!! Welcome back to Stine who was out of commission for 8

Jim PURPLE TROUSERS... just checking to see if you are
randomly-skim-lurking right now!  I *do* remember you from my lurking
days a few years back, too! the links to the pics were grate in this
latest post of yours!

Guess who else came out of the woodwork--John Jennings wrote: "i'm
fit and healthy again i shall be back touring the sinister picnics
faster than you can say 'who the hell is john jennings anyway?'. how

Rich. Gil. Wrote: "then I discovered the criticising had begun at
a.m. and was scheduled to end at one p.m..  " I get all excited just
thinking, OOH, what if he had actually written out a.m and p.m.
instead of abbreviating them!!? But then I was sad because he missed
his crit.
KEN'S KORNER******************************************
Ken Chu wrote: "I woke up the next morning and someone was using my
bum as a pillow, it was quite funny."  Damn KEN! I knew you were
giving your bum to others!!!  Here's Ken: "but fruity, I was DRUNK!" 
And here's me: "Butt fruity is right, sucka!"  Once your legions of
fawning sinister women read that, all of your viable list crush votes
will be tossed by the wayside!
And also Ken said: "unfortunately this post had been a bit behind.  I
do love you tho. Okay, I better stop this right now, apparently... 
Girls seldom make passes, at boys who talk about asses..." 

Later on he wrote: "my language gets foul when I don't receive loads
of e-mails from girls.  That wasn't a hint, by the way, in case you
were wondering.  It was an order. ;-)"
I WROTE CHU and where did it get me? Pillowless in Los Angeles!

And then Ken wrote of his own demise: "His only salvation now to exit
from Hell, he'd been told, is if he goes to the picnic in London this
Saturday and gets snogged by girls.  You won't bear to see a pretty
boy get trapped in hell forever would you?"
I hope SOMEONE is snogging Ken right now as I type this.  And lord
help me if I get what I wish for, and it's my darling list crush
bunny Benny Apps! (I mean, guys, wait for me! I'll bring my video

Desmond Torpey wrote: "*thwack* see the person again and your
stomach does a triple backflip and your knees have taken leave
of your legs and your lungs have moved to honalulu leaving you a
jibbering breathless wreck..."
I *love* this description!!!!  I want to feel like this right now. 
But I mostly just feel tired and my feet are cold.

Rachel O.J. wrote: "so, my ex is refusing to leave me alone. damn
i believe it's thru with monica, and now he wants me back.
i love him, i really do, i cant help it!
I believe that no matter how much you love the ex, you have to try
not to throw all of your hate and anger onto the other woman because
the ex is the one who made the decision that hurt you. I would rather
see you movin on than to accept him back after those shenanigans!  It
could start a pattern that will effect your relationships for the
rest of your life.  Have pride in yourself.  You're worth so much
more than that!

Claudia wrote in her first post: "I guess life is all about being in
and out of love. Sometimes it may be disappointing and hurtful, but
it still worth a try..."
Yes, indeed. No matter how bad it feels when it's bad, it's still
worth it to fall in love again. Believe me, I can be cynical but I
still love being in love. I've never been in love with someone who
loved me back, so I'm still hoping to find that sometime. I have a
close friend who is trying to tell me that I have to love myself
first and I think he's really smart about these things.

Seamus wrote: "all I could think of,looking round and thinking, was
"why here?" Ugly looking college canteen, and they'll never let me
film this crap here anyway! Five minutes later, and we were in a
idyllic wooded area, sitting on a stone bridge, laughing our asses
off. I ended up sleeping on her couch for 6 weeks after that. Surreal
I want to live life like a movie, always.  I think that is a cute
story because you two were able to make light of a bad situation by
sharing an inside thing. That in itself is very cinematic! Are you
the same Seamus that I sold my New York Belle & Sebastian tickets to
back in '98?

Rich. Gil. wrote of being too old to chase girls: "and here's me just
considering starting...tell me it's never too late."
It's never too late Rich.  I know of several girls who are running
whilst looking over their shoulder at you winking!

Grainne wrote: "It's the time of the year when the main reason you
want a man in your life, in your bed is to steal his body heat."
Hmmmm.  Yes.  It would be nice to cuddle up with something less furry
and without waking up to claws.

Dirty Vicar wrote: "it took me several cold winters to realise that
there was nothing stopping me from buying an extra duvet. I recommend
doing just that, they're far less hassle than lovers."
Thanks for that advice. I love duvets an awful lot.  I guess keeping
warm isn't a good reason to take a lover after all!

Amy Longcore aka Rachel Apple Jacks wrote: "she kisses me.
not a nifty lil' peck on the cheek or lips. she open mouth kisses me.
and i am lost in it."
I liked this story Amy.  It was very personal. I try to imagine what
I would do in that situation, but I think the guilt of kissing
someone else's wife would really eat away at me. I hope that you are
feeling ok about it.

Assman Walton wrote: "The message for this post is: Asm is not a Stud

Muffin. He might be, but generally he's not."
generally not, but it depends on what your definition of Stud Muffin
is! I'd wager you're a bit of a stud muffin!

Caleb Ben aka RAW wrote: "so tonight i will go dancing with my
friends and feel lonely and disconnected from my surroundings as i
think of a girl sleeping far off, alone in her bed, dreaming of
That is so sweet darling Caleb!!!  That is the best thing about list
crushes, I think.  Picturing that person being far off and thinking
of you...the cutie Mr. B knows that I am thinking of him quite often.
He is amazing me more and more as I get to know him better... *sigh*
a story for another post.

Will Salt wrote: "I sent a crush vote to someone the other week.  I
think they guessed straight away that I had sent it.  I hope they're
happy right now."
Geez, Will, whoever you voted a crush on sure is lucky!!  Even though
you're "THE ENEMY" I still think you're a very crushable character,
indeed! But don't tell Ben! ;)

Cut-up Kate wrote: "List crushes- good enough, yet do you really
trust them?  Its all in good fun unless they live closs enough to
Well, as Ben and I, and many others out there can tell you, it's hard
to know what is reality and what is an embellished fantasy. I think
it definitely depends on the way you approach it. The transition from
being sweethearts in other countries to being friends in real life
can be easy as long as you don't have complicated expectations. 

Lis Dawson wrote: "Hopefully it's a passing craze... then again 
if I do it for long enough maybe moping and grumbling will be seen as
cool and everyone will want to be like me..."
Grumble, grumble... pretty boys make graves :(  I like being like
Liz, this feels pretty cool!

Nafees wrote: "i broke somebody's nose today." 
I can't imagine that many of us reading this post could say that in
their lifetime!  Nafees seems like such a tough guy!  Even though it
was an accident!

Rener wrote: "guy fawkes night is probably great fun, until
someone aims a firework the wrong way and burns a hole
in your forehead/arse/jumper. and i should know."
i am scared of fireworks on the 4th of July here in the States.  it
makes me nervous, it upsets the cats, I'm always afraid someone's
going to set my roof on fire, and my neighbor must go to mexico and
get a stockpile of fireworks because he will set them off for months
after!! I think he's making up for lost time, you can't set off
fireworks in prison. eek!

Vodkabird wrote of roommate horror stories: "Life was fine for 6
months aside from a nightly repertoire of arias from the Italian
across the road, until I had a run-in with a flatmate's fist."
Oh man, I am hoping to avoid a run in with a housemate's fist right
now.  How long is too long to wait before I kick out my irresponsible
brother and his new wife and 2 dogs?  Rachie's patience is wearing
thin, I tell you!

Nafees wrote: "why are you late nafees?"...."oh you know...fell out
of the door...the usual".
You are lucky you didn't accidentally break your OWN nose!  

Astrid wrote: "Because the anti-mobbing organisation friends are
having an all-day training for us! YAY!" 
What?  Anti-mobbing organization?  Is the Godfather running rampant
in Swedish high schools, or what?  I could just picture it.  You pink
cheeked darlings with your italian leather shoes, black overcoats and
machine guns.  It's a good thing you're getting trained to fight
these thugs, Astrid!

Idleberry is quitting the cigarette smoking (at least I think you
meant cigarettes!) How is that going?

Martin Conneely narrowly avoided getting shot at when describing this
musician who sat on a stool that said "Fat Arse" : "She seemed to fit
what was written on the stool.  Between the strobe lighting and my
increasing blindness, I couldn't be sure, but could it have been our
own Isobel?"  But like he said.  Strobe light.  Blindness. Dry your
eyes and put your fists down Caleb Ben!
And isn't that vomiting ballerina Nina Haagen that Honey used to
speak of?

Piddlemonkey the Rachel Griddlemonkey wrote: are taking
advance orders on 'Storytelling' and have it slated for a 2001
release.  how cool is that?"
That's really very cool! I was poking around for more info on this,
and it looks like the UK release of the movie is set for November
30th, 2001, and the US release is January 25th, 2002!

Grainne wrote: "dec 21st belfast, i think it was the mandela hall,
supporting belle and sebastian at an nspcc toys for christmas gig."
Oh how I wish I were in Belfast for this!!!  Whoever attends should
tell us all full details, most definitely!

Arik wrote: "i've fallen in love with XTRMNTR by primal scream"
This album is grate in my opinion, my sister is crazy about Primal
Scream and she has influenced me to like them, too!

Psi wrote: "Well, now that I've heard Griff Rhys and co., I have to
say that I was entertained the whole time."
Super Furry Animals RAQUE live!!! That's what really won me over
about them, was seeing them perform live. 

Jimmy Gilmer wrote about The Strokes: "Put a bit of Velvet
Underground, Television, and the Stooges in a blender, and viola!"
I also thought that the Strokes sound like Elvis Costello meets The

Peter Miller speculated about what cover songs b&s might have played
in Japan and said "sod Elfast" which I found amusing!  He also wrote:
"I think it's good that the new PINK FLOYD compilation finishes with
BIKE,too."  I like early Pink Floyd stuff a lot.  Also Syd Barrett's
solo stuff is amusing, like "Baby Lemonade" and "Rats"... Octopus is
a grate album.

CFBobcat wrote: "I never post, but I just had a question for you
guys. Is  the new ep supposed to be out.......cuz I got it on 12"."
That is very lucky, I think!!!  If I were you, I would ALWAYS shop

Stine wrote: "oh my gooses.  i never realised it was possible to
morph the voices of axl rose and billy squire till i heard white
OK, first, you had me at "oh my gooses" and then you really cracked
me up with your description!  Sheesh!  I haven't heard the White
Stripes yet, and now I really want to!

Piddlemonkey the Rachel Griddlemonkey wrote of going to an unoffical
IWUTU release party at strangeways in leeds and he described himself
as: "i was the boy with the pale blue flares on and a bit of a 'fro."
It must have been a good time if you were letting your hair down, eh,
Pid? ;)

fabio snoozer wrote of the B&S Rio gig and its television debut, with
only 4 sogs being aired. He suggested that we vote that they replay
the B&S performance on a voting site and said this: "I'm pretty sure
they're going to show them, because THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID. A lot of
people have complained about it."
For shame!  I hope that they play the gig in its entirety, and I hope
that somehow mysetriously a copy of this gig ends up in my hot little
hands! hmmm...
DANCE FEVER*******************************************
Cunning Andre wrote: "Well, what makes that so startling is that her
and Ben did not just _sing_ MWDAO...They also did _actions_ to it." I
CRIED when I read this, because it was so clever and funny!  And then
he posted the first chapter of the book that he's writing and it was
very good.  If you haven't read it, you should. It's charming,
indeed!  he didn't use cheese buns or cheese scones, he used his
cunning mind, yeah!

Paisley wrote:"It would be pretty cool to be written up for dancing
on the job. Anyway, the customers who did see me seemed to enjoy my
kinetic interpretations."
Heck yeah!  We have impromptu dance parties in my office at work all
the time.  Everyone in other departments know that if they need to
work off their aggressions, they can come down to the art department
any time and RAQUE out! it makes work more fun, I think.

ARTISTIC OBSERVATIONS*********************************
Kirsten Kenyon wrote: "tonight it seemed that the sun, instead of
sinking slowly in the west, was rudely snuffed out by a damp towel. 
the fog was heavy and smelled like a cold car on a winter morning."
KIRSTEN MARIE KENYON!!!  You're amazing.  Your words are as beautiful
as you are!  How grate is that description!?

Nafees wrote that he saw Jarvis Cocker and that he wasn't very tall! 
I do remember the first time meeting him in 1994 when he was
particularly skinny and I thoght the same thing.  Man, he's skinny,
that must be what gives him the illusion of being so tall!

Robster wrote: "I reckon we could be in for one of those pretty
pink-skied, snow-dusted winters like you got when you
were a kid.  You know - the magical ones that make
everything like Narnia.  But more cold."  I want a winter like
Narnia... but we don't have real seasons here. :(  I think I need to
read 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' again instead and just

Stine wrote: "didnt pollyanna harvest wheat or something?  i dunno."
Pollyanna! She was always glad.  Played the "glad game", she could
find the silver lining in any situation. I think I should try doing
that more often!

Sean wrote about his dreamcoat: "I was quite pleased to find that
such a garmet existed a couple of weeks ago at Nordstrom's, and I
plan on pawning one of my old guitars that I don't really play
anymore to get it."
Oh man, Sean! Either Elise has brainwashed you or you have really
found your match!  you're pawning a guitar to by a dream coat?!! 
Damn!  I want to be in the wedding, seriously! 

Rachel Sunnyside Up wrote about bringing home Belle the wee dog when
she was not the grown up dog yet: "Miss Sunnyside-Up sighed, things
would never be the same again. Miss Sunnyside-Up smiled, things would
never be the same again."
I could have cried, that story was so cute! I'm glad that you have
such a cute pup, Rach!

Pinefox wrote: "I was cheered to see Edna Welthorpe back in the mists
of space, a while back, talking about the way that the pinefox's
endless repetitions are a mirror image of Lloyd Cole's."
Alright PF, unless Joe Orton is not dead, I want to know how Edna
Welthorpe is commenting!!! 

Jimmy Gilmer wrote about Ken Kesey's death: "For all their 
flaws, the heroes of the 60's believed in a better world, and they
believed in a greater freedom, and it's a shame the world just passed
on by that dream."
I think that you're right in a lot of respects about the "hippies"
being seen as lowlifes by the majority these days. It's odd for me to
see my parents, who are hippies, who are liberals, get very patriotic
now that there is a war happening.  I guess i always thought of them
as the draft card and bra burners and not as political
revolutionaries.  I mean, I knew it, but I hadn't actually witnessed
it before.

Rebecka from Sweden wrote: "I'm kinda proud of our snowy winters and
happy faces:)"
I think that is adorable and very cool.  It think it is good to be
proud of what you are. I hope that Rach O.J. can assimilate once she
moves there. I think maybe you just had a bad experience, Rach.

Genevieve wrote: "Christmastime shows and Belle and Sebastian just
seem so fitting."
I have a dream that B&S would play for us Sinister kids for
Christmas, and it would be such a lovely time!!  

In a post with one of my most favorite subject lines "Fold your hands
child, you walk like Karl Marx" Timothy Meskers wrote: "Not sure if
anyone's mentioned this, but I noticed an intriguing similarity
between FYHCYWLAP and Marx & Engels. And that similarity is Saturday
"Saturday meals?" You say. "Yes," I reply. "Saturday meals."
I like saturday meals.  I had about 6 of them this saturday!  I can't
wait to hear the IWUTU ep. In fact, the anticipation is probably to
blame for eating so much! (yeah...)

I once wrote about how I associate the B&S song "Beautiful" to my
experience taking the anti-depressant medication called Zoloft. I
took it for 3 years. I just switched to a different drug called
Celexa and it has made a BIG DIFFERENCE. I feel actual *feelings*
again, and although I went through a very trying discussion with a
certain someone I am very close to, I still felt happy to feel angry,
to feel sad, to feel empathy, happiness and exhilaration. And I
didn't lose it. I can feel and still behave myself. I'd have to say
that this boy has become my best friend in the entire world (he knows
who he is!) And I am grateful to Elise who reccommended the drug
switch and for being there for me. Elise is a beautiful sweet girl,
and actually, she first wrote to me after I posted about the
anti-depressant problems I was having, so I guess I really did get
*some* benefit from the Zoloft!

I think it was Timothy Meskers who wrote: "We should pay that girl
that does the big summaries. That's a lot of work."
That is sweet! I guess I was a born editor or something. This sort of
thing just comes naturally. 

An CareBear wrote: "That Rachel fruitloop keeps impressing me. Those
poor fingers must be working themselves weary. I hope you don't feel
you have to write summarys cause it's expected. You make good
impression anyway. All your posts are good!..I've seen her write it
all down cause of all the things she sees.."
I will keep doing this until I don't feel like doing it anymore.  It
reminds me of making a fanzine.  I suppose the summary posts are my
little issues dedicated to Sinister!  I am your biggest fan and I am
jealous that the list has been going out with Ian, according to most
recent posts! ;)
Lindsey Lou wrote: "i'm taking a moment to round out this way less
that fabulous post to send props to all the happy people in sinister
and #sinister. to fruityloop rachel for always mentioning me."
Lindsey, you're a doll, of course I'm gonna mention you when you
always entertain me!

THE SIMPSONS ROCKS THE WORLD!**************************
Nafees wrote about a bus driver who looks like otto the bus driver
from The Simpsons! And he also wrote about our President Bush using
the phrase "Kodak Moment" which doesn't phase me now. In a recent
speech shortly after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, he
asked all the children to mail in a dollar like he was Homer
Simpson's telemarketing machine as "Happy Dude"

Chris Leonard wrote of a misheard lyric to *I love my car*: "She
looked shocked, said "that's really rude" and started 
giggling.  I bet he has leather gloves."
It reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons when Millhouse's dad,
Kirk Van Houten, records a demo. The track is called "Can I Borrow a
Feeling", in which he sings "hurtin' hearts need some healing, take
my hand with your glove of love" HA! (er, I'm probably the only one

LATER DUDES*******************************************
Farewell to DV for the time being and i hope you have a lovely trip! 
Also farewell to Elena who is off to seek her fortune in France at
her grate new job!  Happy Birthday to Elena coming up next week!

!VIVA RACHELS!****************************************
Amy Longcore AKA Rachel Applejacks wrote: "Tonight, once I'm home
from work, I plan to peruse my vinyl For the perfect songs for my
Rachel's mix. Awwww Yeah...Fuck Chu if you don't think I'll blow his
mind. Tee hee."
Don't mind if I do! So, where is our !VIVA RACHELS! mix these days,

LINKED UP***********************************************
Big Stu wrote: "if anyone is interested, or just plain bored, you can
find out about the other interest in my life by going to; which is the website of my korfball
club. There's also lots of bad photos of me on there, but I'm not
telling you where." You're one of the ones in the skimpy bikinis,
aren't you!  Yep, I see this Korfball phenominon, and I still think
ALF would play it...

Mark Hester (not to be confused with a monitor lizard) posted a link
to an ALF website! hee! Thanks for indulging me!

Astrid posted a link to a lovely picture of herself and of a sunset! 
David Moore and Genevieve posted a link to a french website with B&S

Robster wrote: "First person to correctly identify the source of the
subject line will win... um something...  oh I don't
know..  a signed photo of me.  I'll expect the entries
to flood in then."
Did Lucy Brown win?  I don't have a clue, but I'll guess that it was
Sly & The Family Stone.  Do I win an autographed picture for

PICK ME UP!*******************************************
Lisa "Rachel Ranchero" wrote in response to Jim's query for the worst
pick up lines you've ever heard: "She was imagining the woman who'd
refuse the hamburger, yet slam on the brakes to accept the banana
split offering."  that would be me!  I'd be saying "whoa, did you say
ice cream? hey, you, get out of my dreams and into my car!"

Stacey Dahling wrote about a boy meowing at her once and: "I GOT A
TOAST MAKER today! finally! and it's shiny!"
Two unrelated things but new toast makers have been known to make me
meow.  I saw a Hello Kitty toaster yesterday.  It toasts all around
the bread, except in the middle it leaves it light, in the design of
a Hello Kitty face!!! Grrrrrate!  I want that!

COME TOGETHER*****************************************
Jimmy Gilmer wrote: "I'd much rather meet you all over a Red Bull and
Vodka and chat about useless crap and talk shit until the early
morning hours in afterhours resturants, that's where I'm in my
I have the feeling we will meet up in person someday Jim, amd that's
a promise, not a threat! (your little dog, too, is safe!)

Chris Pez wrote a challenge for a road trip: "Route Summary
Origination: Belle, West Virginia [38.14N 81.32W]
Destination: Sebastian, Florida [27.50N 80.29W]
Route Distance: 839 miles
Route Driving Time: 12:55"
I would take this trip if I lived closer!  That sounds like grate
fun!  Road trips are so much fun.  endless fun, really, when you
consider how vast the highways are in the US.

Jimmy Gilmer wrote: "Come to Chicago December 1st and feel the power
I will be there in spirit, of course!  I hope that you all have fun!

Ben Apps wrote of the London picnic of this weekend: "I also have a
cunning plot up my sleeve to kidnap Kenneth P Y Chu that evening
(shhh! keepit quiet), and only release him if everyone returns to
Primrose Hill the next day for FITBA!!!!"
I heard from Ben this morning, where he apparently was the filling of
a Dancin'Hatchback and Chu sandwich in the internet cafe!  Sounds
dreamy to me! Who won the football match then?  What about the darts

Ola AKA Rachola Cinnamon wrote of a nice outing with fellow sort-of
listee Kamil, and said: "now we only need maja to comeover, and the
polish sinister club will be complete :)"
The thought of that is really cute! You all should get together!  I'm
not just saying that it's cute because a quarter of my ancestors are
from your fair country, either! ;)

Elise Spry wrote of adventures with Kirsten Kenyon: "We have decided
to become lesbian lovers (maybe hang out again sometime, provided
Elise never talks about the purple vibrator again), but we'll always
have love in our hearts (and beds) for Ken Chu."
I think that Kirsten would be interested to know that I have thought
of a name for your toy... the Purple Pie Man!  and I second that
emotion about Ken. He's like jello.  There's always room for jello!

LLEW'S CLLEWS*****************************************
Laura Llew wrote: "[Mother produces two powder puffs which she wraps
in handkerchiefs and stuffs in Laura's bosom.]
Laura: Mother, what are you doing?
Mother: They call them gay deceivers!
Laura: I won't wear them!
Mother: You will!
Laura: Why should I?
Mother: Because, to be painfully honest, your chest is flat."

This was one of my favorite parts of the post, because I pictured
Laura with ringlets with her mom helping her get ready for her
gentleman caller, and how funny it is to call breasts "gay

Llew also dedicated a Yeats poem to *me* ohhh you lovely thing! 
You're like hot chocolate, heavy on the panache!  I also just want to
thank LL for uncovering Jimmy G's secret about making a swell record
in the 1950's... Jack from Will & Grace, HA!  Try Ricky Nelson! ;)

Laura Llew wrote: "now it's time to meet all of Laura Llew's needs
which have been severely lacking since 1977" and set a deadline for
her mixtape competition for the end of this year.  Miss Llew is also
taking up the reins on the Christmas Present exchange and giving Joan
of Dark a break this year. I will be contacting Miss Llew for both,
you should, too!

Michael Vance wrote: "What Rachel fails to mention is that we were
actually shooting a commercial for exciting new "Dicital" phone
technology, each of us realizing in turn as the Legal Man ring tone
was transfered that tomorrow would be a better place thanks to
phone, well... it has a phony, (ha! get it! phony!) meaning
imitation, Hello Kitty cover that I bought in China Town and the
screen cover says "disital"  I quite like it because it's ridiculous
and pink.
Hey, y'all, I have to say that our meetup in LA was so grate!  Rachel
CF and Benny, Katie, Ernie, Jose, Michael and my darling Ryan, thanks
for being there! It really was a wonderful evening! You all made me
very happy!

FAVORITE QUOTES***************************************
"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow worm."--Stine
"It was like watching a middle-aged pigeon strangling a

"Why can't I live like I do in my day dreams?"--Idleberry

"If I carry on like this people would think I'm actaully on drugs, so

I won't."--Kenneth PY Chu


Well, here we are.  It's the end of my post! I know I'm ridiculous
sometimes, but I like it. I hope you enjoyed all of these things that
sparked my interest, and I hope too much time hasn't passed for you
all to care.  Since we have that silly holiday coming up on Thursday,
I hope to be posting again in the very near future, so look out for
me! I'm comin' to your inbox to help you party down like Grand Funk
!VIVA RACHELS! Kisses and hugs to Ben, Ryan, Elise and miss Laura
Llew, who I really bonded with in #sinister last week. Lots of love
to you all! 
Rachel fruitloop

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 +-+  "legion of bedroom saddo devotees" "peculiarly deranged fanbase" +-+
 +-+    "pasty-faced vegan geeks... and we LOST!" - NME April 2000     +-+
 +-+  "frighteningly named Sinister List organisation" - NME May 2000  +-+
 +-+  "sick posse of f**ked in the head psycho-fans" - NME June 2001   +-+
 +-+               Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa                 +-+

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