Sinister: time for anit-depressants
Kirstin Schreiber
kmonkee at
Wed Oct 3 23:16:09 BST 2001
Yes, the time has come for pills. Everyone else in my family has been
clinically depressed at some point, so i guess i'm just following tradition.
I've got to do something befroe all my freinds hate me or vice versa.
So ,on "Family Tree", the lyrics say that Isobel says "because i'm not here
to fool around", but i swear on the cd she says "becasue i'm not here to
fuck around." and that's how i play it. Anyone know?
I have a renewed affection for all B&S unrequited love songs. Although,
sometimes they can turn insomnia into a tear- drop festival.
The peace rally in Washington DC was wonderful despite the shitty and
inacurate media covereage it's gotten. I'm quite glad i went.
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+-+ "pasty-faced vegan geeks... and we LOST!" - NME April 2000 +-+
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+-+ Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa +-+
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