Sinister: dancing through the frustration
s.arnot at
s.arnot at
Sat Oct 27 15:12:09 BST 2001
hi there.
in huddersfield there is a quite cool indie night on a thursday in a club called 'the camel club'. i have become more and more impressed by this club in recent weeks, as, in addition to playing 'she's losing it', ther overall quality of the music is improving. for instance, last week they played pavement and kenickie. this week they played sleater-kinney and 'u-mass' by pixies. i danced. i didn't get drunk though, because i had just had a rather nasty phonecall from my mum telling me to stop spending so much money. they had just got my bank statement through, you see, and apparently i managed to spend £960 in my first four weeks at uni. whoops. since then i have also purchased my mogwai and white stripes tickets. oh well. i'll have to get a job i suppose.
the last couple of weeks at said club have also been improved by the appearance of a pair of (sisters/friends?), this week in his and hers hefner t-shirts. impressive, seeing as the indie child population of huddersfield seems to be practically zero. despite wearing a belle and sebastian badge almost every day since i arrived i can count the number of comments about that on the useful fingers of one of eminem's hands.
last night i saw a vey happy band, called the unfinished sympathy. despite the fact that they were peddling only slightly above average sub-jawbox emo, this was made up for by their sheer happiness. they are spanish, and were so happy to be touring in the uk that almost the entire band went through the set with huge grins on their faces, and kept thanking everyone and telling them how happy they were. made my evening.
i'm going to see more bands tonight. i will then stop spending money until next thursday. i need a (free) housebound mission to fill my waking hours. a letter-writing spree probably.
my last post returned exactly no posts from any listees in huddersfield, so i am extending the bounaries to leeds. please contact me! please! pretty please! i will reveal to you my new discovery of the greatest food know to humankind! and it will bring you grate happiness! :)
how can i get involved in a tape-making competition, as i am fairly proud of my mad skillz?
i am not sure if that last question required a question mark. oh well.
thanks a lot
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