Sinister: Here in Baltimore, home of the brash, outrageous, and free
Tue Oct 30 22:31:16 GMT 2001
Hello there all of my Sini-buns,
I haven't posted in quite sometime, and yet have had an immense quantity
of post-worthy happenings in the world-of-Sean lately. First of all, let me
get the much belated stories of Madison told. In a word, my trip was
perfect. It surpasses all expectations I had, and was more wonderful than I
ever thought 5 days could be. Chicago was tons of fun, despite the cold
rain, and everyone there was rokken. (like dokken) Staying in Madison with
my darling Elise was certainly the best part of my excursion, of my entire
life really!...she is such a wonderful person, smart, funny, kind, stylish,
and beautiful...she really has it all, and I am very much in love with her.
:) She is coming for a nice lenghty say with me in Baltimore this December,
which excites me so much I think iI may burst! I can't wait to show her all
the lovely things around here, and to just spend some lovely time together.
Belive it or not, Baltimore really is a lovely place. It's come to my
attention that people see my fair city as some what of a dump, and I feel
obligated to protest! Sure we may have the highest per-capita rate of
substance abuse and STD infection in the country, but the city does have a
charm all it's own. I can't possibly be the first one to notice this, since
our city motto used to be "Charm City." Unfortunatley they changed it to the
quite sub-par "city of firsts," recently, which disturbs me greatly.
Seriously though, there are tons of wonderful treasures to be found in the
city of Baltimore. First you have Federal Hill, which gives you a lovely
aerial view of the quite attractive Inner harbour, and of Ft.
know, where Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner." Then you
have the Inner Harbor it'sself with all its lovely restaruants, and waterside
view, not to mention the AWESOME aquarium!!! Then you have probably my
favorite area of the city, Charles Street. First you have the Charles
theater, which always plays the lovely movies that you can't see elsewhere.
Plays 50's advertisements before show times, and often plays The Smiths as
backround music in the lobby. The singer from my old band works the
projectors, and there is always the chance of seeing John Waters either in
the theater or the surrounding neighborhood. He's been known to frequent
"The Depot" which has a lovely 80's dance night and "Club Charles," which is
just all around hip! However the last sighting of Mr. Waters that any of my
cohorts has had was a couple of weeks ago at the "Low" show being held at an
area library. (not your normal library, very huge, with floor, upon floor of
rather ancient books.) He was there accompanied by a fellow sporting both a
finely groomed mullet, and a moustache. Where else can you see such
scenes??? Then there are all of the unique row-house apartments...(which I
will be inhabiting one of hopefully in a scant few months.) tall celings,
fireplaces, wood floors, each different from the next in lovely little ways,
and extrememly reasoble rent! What more could one ask for in a dwelling? I
really do like the fact that many of the places available for rent in my fair
city are not the sterile, mass produced apartments that you oh-so often see.
A home with character is a lovely thing indeed. And we even have our own
unique white-trash accent. Here in Baltimore we dont "wash things in water,"
rather we "Wersh things in the wutter." Don't worry, both Elise and Jimmy
can attest to the fact that I don't talk like that, although a bit of it has
been known to shine through in moments of extreme drunkeness. We also have
the other necessary things that make a city fun, like good record stores, and
charming dive favorite of which is The Ottobar. They have good
bands play there, Cinerama played there about a year ago, cheap booze, and
its tucked away in a side street alley. And one of the greatest independent
video stores I've ever seen, Video Amerecaine. If you are looking for hard
to find trashy horror films, or anything else for that matter, this is your
place! We also have the quite unique and fascinating Museam of Visionary
Art, a whole museam dedicate to outsider art and other artistic
pecularities...there is always something interesting to see there. Sorry for
all of the rambling, I just wanted to set the record straight, since
Baltimore seems to have a chronic bad reputation. Granted, the city does have
it's unpleasant aspects, but what city doesn't? I just think most people who
visit or are new to the area miss all of the lovely things it has to offer.
Well there may have not been any Belle and Sebastian related material in this
post, but rest assured, I do love them...and I hope that they read this post
and feel the extrememly dire need (which they should!) to visit lurvely
Baltimore next time they they tour!!! I will personally show them all around
so the leave with the proper impression of the town. Hey, it sounds like a
good enough idea to me. Well lovelies, that's it....for now. Love to all,
most especially my beloved Elise.
Hugs and sightings of John Waters,
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