Sinister: Sinster: Can anyone lend me a calendar?

Caitlin Pigtails wpsalt at
Mon Apr 1 12:05:22 BST 2002

In the news today:


Rumours are flying that top Scottish folk-pop band Belle and Sebastian 
are about to split.  The Glasgow-based eight-piece have released four 
best-selling albumbs, and composed the soundtrack to the recent Todd 
Solendz film "Storytelling"

According to unnamed sources (Stuart Murdoch's mum), the band have "had 
enough" of touring.  "They didn't tour at all in 2000," she said, "and 
getting back on the road just reminded them what a slog it can be."  In 
addition, several of the band have had solo or side projects for 
several years.  Singer and cellist Isobel Campbell has released two 
albums as "The Gentle Waves" and is shortly to release another solo 
album.  Songwriter Stuart Murdoch is reported as wanting to spend more 
time "loving his car", and it is rumoured that guitarist Stevie Jackson 
is having trouble paying child support for his large family of 
love-children, who are believed to live in Dundee."

In other news, the Queen Mother died.  At first, I thought she would be 
resurrected three days later, just to remind us that royalty are 
appointed by God.  It hasn't happened yet, though.  Does anyone else 
think that if she'd died today instead, noone would have actually 
believed it?

More importantly, comedy writer and producer Barry Took died too.  
Without him, there would have been no Monty Python -- or, probably, The 
Goodies.  Can we have state mourning for him instead?

Also in the news lately -- and seriously, I'm not making this up -- the 
current issue of Cat World magazine describes Tompaulin as a "rock 
band".  I burst out laughing in the middle of the bookstore.


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