Sinister: A grip, and how to get it

Mark Casarotto boyincorduroy at
Sat Apr 6 15:06:06 BST 2002

Oh for fuck's sake! Don't you chaps ever have your own
nicknames for things and people you feel affection
for? You're called mmm skyscraper, mate, you're hardly
one to talk.

Once upon a time, god knows when or why, someone
referred to Stuart Murdoch as Struan (I blame that
Genevieve, she was always banging (on about) him. It
was kinda useful, as there were (gasp) TWO Stuarts in
the band! Anyway, it stuck, just like Fishyclap and
Twattybus stuck, just like the baseless and
incomprehensible worship of Ken Chu stuck. Is that
okay? Christ, even you know who we mean, so why the

Of course, Struan might not like being called Struan,
but then he's big enough to fight his own battles.

Perspective = a good thing.

I might post again shortly without being so arsey.
Take care all.

Mark xxx

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