Sinister: ...she said, roasting a chicken
Liz Daplyn
lizdaplyn at
Tue Apr 23 22:36:36 BST 2002
Evening all.
Cor blimey. All I really have to say about All Tomorrows Parties apart
from noting the almost universal loveliness of the people I met and talked
to there (only some of whom I already knew see, Your Honour, Im getting
better at this), is that whoever gave me this horrible throat infection is a
cad of the first water. And that I am a bad person for lazily drinking far
too much and not seeing enough of the fine bands available. But hey, I sat
near Mark E. Smith in the pub for a bit (ah!).
Mr Paul Field lately shirked the responsibility of losing his picnic mummy
cherry, damn his eyes. Well sir, Ill see your next weekend and raise you
the one after (4-5 May), which has not only a tasty adjunct in the form of
the May Day bank holiday, which can be used for further sinister frolicking
excercises, but also ME IN LONDON. This request is obviously made for the
sole reason that I am a selfish bastard, but could whoever does take charge
bear this in mind? Also that it cant be on Saturday, as Im then at the
wedding that is my primary purpose for being in town then at all.
Oh damn, just noticed that infernal rascal Carsmile has done some
organizing for this coming weekend. Moany old git. So do we think that the
previously mentioned one after would be a very good time for a secondary
Brighton extravaganza? Hmmmm Ms Playforth, siren of the south coast?
Anyway, apropos of nothing in particular: theres a wonderful old gal who
catches the same bus as I do sometimes, and I simply cant help staring in
impressed awe at the precisely complementing red tones of her natty coat and
jaunty slingbacks, not to mention an immaculately coloured and somewhat
bouffant coiffure that disguises the thinning of her elderly follicles
nicely as it perches over camp snooker-player spectacles. Itd be nice to
think that one could age as well, but to be honest, something a little
messier and less brittle might be easier to maintain for a long innings.
She probably wears the same flowery housecoat for days on end when shes not
going out.
Still gobsmacked at being called a newcomer by the Pinefox the other day,
and to my very face, even. Check the archives, dude. Actually, dont,
youll only find a scattering of my juvenile ramblings amongst the
brilliance that drops from the keyboarding fingers of twee fuckers within
our homely crabpot (as it were) the world over.
Goodnight, ladies.
Liz :x
Westron wind, when wilt thou blow?
The small rain down can rain.
Christ, if my love were in my arms,
And I in my bed again!
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