Sinister: Come Fux0r me up(i)
Danny Farrell
farrell_danny at
Mon Aug 26 13:11:52 BST 2002
Disclaimer: This post will more than likely make usage of MOCK
pretentiousness, feel free to discard the MOCK and instead throw things at
me, preferably small things.
Hello my lovelies,
So red knicker day is OVER and i still don't have any reports of the various
festivities. Perhaps everyone has overdosed on excitement, redness and
err... cheap alcohol. Maybe my hotmails broken, who knows?
On saturday i was lucky enough to join with the glasgow sinister Massif to
watch Mr Darren Hanlon. He was good, I, unfortunately, was not and left
shortly after the gig finished to come home and pretend to study.
In keeping with my latest tradition of going for a personality change with
each sinister post i have decided after the poor showing of dannyRAWK and
the general dismalness of being me that i shall have a go at being VAIN.
that's right now i'm dannyGRATE. I may or may not be denim-clad in this
incarnation but i sure as hell will be all about me. I still love you all, i
just love me more.
Actually that's not a little bit true, 'magine it was though...
Ink Polaroids? Sorry my camera's broken.
Retrospective CULTCHA - I bet you're all excited.
Big Brother 3 has long gone now but i read an interview yesterday where
winner Kate gave an interview on her new job. She described it as "wicked".
Wicked. In the household everything was Wicked, oh that's wicked this is
wicked. Sadly this has spilt over into REAL LIFE although not to the levels
i first feared. My mother is a lost cause.
The scene: I'm sitting in my bedroom outdancing little green men, zapping
them and then high kicking or wiggling my butt to show my utter disdain for
their poor dancing skills. Otherwise known as dancing my ass off to a very
japanese video game.
I hear a shout, it is the parental unit. I go down the stairs to be greeted
by these words from my mother: "I've made you some lentil soup son, it'll be
wicked." Lentil soup. My Mum. Wicked? Yr 'avin' a laff surely. She has also
fell in love with this new-fangled e-mail thingymajig she insists on calling
t(e)xt(i)ng. It is in her own words, "Wicked!"
Wickedness Pervading society! Perhaps we're ripe for a bunch of green aliens
with a lot of rhythm to come take us out. Whoot!
Study Questions:
* Sénorita callaghan is clearly too exotic to be from dreary old ayr?
* Angelic Amy Apples is much too nice to be true?
* Wicked Schmicked we're all people: Discuss
* Stevie (your choice) smells of weewee?
* I clearly don't get enough sleep: Discuss
* Gillanders Esq. is a FUNNY GUY who is here to AMUSE me?
it's so true
love for all, cake for some
pie xxx
(i) Applicants must be 18 or over, unstable of mind and willing to travel.
If you're like an employee of me then're like, NOT ALLOWED
(ii) Everyone should hear Lambchops "Your Sunny Fucking Day". Why? Listen
and you'll see for yourself.
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