Sinister: meet me in ..... michigan?
amy.longcore at
amy.longcore at
Tue Feb 5 01:09:51 GMT 2002
midwest meetup.
i've left the plans for this so open and sketchy
because i've wanted to gauge how many
people would be interested/how far they
are willing to go.
(first base on the first date for me! hee)
how far people are willing to travel for this, i mean.
so, yeah.
some of you have discussed it with me in
no one has emailed with ideas or anything...
so i'm left wondering.
do i go ahead and plan something and
just hope for the best?
do i keep waiting and seeing?
i'm going to keep waiting and seeing for a
good month, atleast.
for, you see, as i've mentioned in the past,
i'd quite like to sell my home and get
the eff out of dodge.
i'd hate for my home to sell the very week
y'all are coming.
see what i mean?
time is needed for definates.
i've been thinking independance day weekend
would be good for the meet up.
more people are likely to have that
thursday/friday off of work.
or, do you think that would hinder people
from coming 'cuz they may have familial
who actually spends time wiff their family
for 4th of july anyway?
i'm looking for quantity as well as quality here.
bring all your friends, your friends' bands,
and aunts and uncles too.
i want mass summer sini fun!
ok. there's an update.
cats pjs is love.
so are a lot of other people.
write me.
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