Sinister: Karaoke; Chicago; Seattle; Apology

Jennifer Phillips-Bacher mrsaudiac at
Fri Feb 8 08:18:05 GMT 2002

hello delicious ones!

it's 2 a.m. tonight (this morning?) i take on a diaristic tone, if only 
because it's late and i'm up past my bedtime.  additionally, it seems less 
like list abuse if i write in a confessional style.

I begin:

Dear diary,
tonight I did some karaoke.  kicked it off with "these boots are made for 
walkin'" and finished with a terribly maudlin version of "love song" by the 
cure (could it really get any more maudlin?).  people were weeping, i must 
confess.  a group of attractive hecklers were seated nearby, and lo! one of 
them was wearing a B&S badge.  we shook hands, and off he went.  hello if 
you're out there.

so i've been thinking about BOWLING yes BOWLING and I have determined that 
all of the CHICAGO PEOPLE on the list and I should meet up at Marigold Bowl 
on Grace & Broadway on Sunday Feb. 17, either in the late afternoon or 
evening, depending on which time seems the most popular amongst THOSE PEOPLE 

Secondly, on an entirely different, yet pop-related note, o diary, I was 
wondering if I could possibly be directed to any lovely soul in Seattle who 
might be interested in joining me on saturday night for Dub Narcotic Sound 
System & All Girl Summer Fun Band.  i'll be in town for something resembling 
business, and may be lonely and bored.

Food consumption:  several pieces of toast, with peanut butter; 3 campari & 
sodas; 3 beers; 1 egg mayonnaise sandwich;  several cubes of teriyaki tofu.

i hope all of the londoners at Track & Field on Friday night buy my pal 
Sarah Garrett Sonner a drink or several.

oh diary, i have polluted your pristine pages with my unruly penmanship.  
please forgive me, and allow me to clutter your pages more delicately the 
next time.

and now, I sleep.

please contact me Seattle and Chicago people!

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