Sinister: two weeks of feeling guilty...two weeks of xmas merriment...

Richard Cottyn R.Cottyn at
Thu Jan 10 18:59:51 GMT 2002

two weeks of drinking lots...two weeks of staying up all night.

I don't think I got to do much reading of newspapers, or even river
walkways, but the crimbo holidays are now well and truly over (Richard
realises he really should have sent this a good few days ago).

When you are off school, you expect to have loads of free time, and yet I
didn't seem to have any! I think that Christmas and New Year got in the way
really, and so I wake up for school 4 days ago and think "ah. I should have
done this. And this. And what bout revision for this? Argh!")

But what the hell. Belle and Sebastian somehow make things much much better.

I think that you lot are a good/bad* influence on me (*delete as
appropriate), as I have recently developed quite a taste for Ribena. (Cue
cheers from the back) Yes it is true, no other drink tends to satisfy me at
the moment-unless it contains alcohol of course. Ribena and alcohol?! Now
there's a thought...

Speaking of Ribena, I broke my berry (you know, the ones with the popping
out eyes, you must have got one!) on New Years Eve. I was distraught! I
think I'd applied a bit too much pressure, and one of his eyeballs made a
squishy noise and, well, popped out. I managed to split up the gooey stuff
and shove bits of it back in, but it isn't quite the same. I had to draw new
eyeballs on it, but it loooks a bit crosseyed and, well, not quite all

And if you understood that last paragraph, then congratulations!

There was talk a good few weeks ago about end of year polls, and some people
displayed a lack of interest and a "whats the point" attitude. Yet i must
confess-I think they are great-I love seeing where my personal faves have
got to (though I was disappointed not to see David Kitt's fantabulastic 'The
Big Romance' not get rated in many). It's also good to look and think, "Ooo,
NME have put Spiritualized in the top three, perhaps I ought to get that".

Now I'm sure I had something else to say, and this will bother me for the
rest of the evening now.

Ah well. I'll leave this part to you then. Fill in the blanks with your own
interesting comment (not that it has to be *that* interesting).

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Have fun, I'm sure you will!


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