Sinister: Need a cat's name...

lepastie at lepastie at
Thu Jan 10 21:27:18 GMT 2002


It's been a while. Isn't it cold? My nose is running badly.

Anyway, to the point:
I've taken a stray cat under my wing. Poor wee mite's got a sore tail. 
Anyway, he's a (neutered) tom and is about four years old. 
Tortoiseshell. Need a name. Just now, he's called Dale, cos me and my 
flatmate love Special Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks. But I don't 
really *approve* of this name.

Mind you, my flatmate refuses to call it Geddes.

Any suggestions? *memories of pub toilets come flooding back*

The other night, I sat in my room listening to every Belle & Sebastian 
record ever. It was nice. Im a bugger for leaving CD's out of their 
cases and never cat-a-logging cassettes. I pay the price. None of the 
bloody things would play properly.

Last time I went mad at a Pulp CD cos it wouldn't play 'Lipgloss' 
properly. It's my own fault. I don't know why I do it. I'm silly.

Oh, how I wish someone would give me a big wheelbarrow full of £10 
notes. Even fivers would tickle my pickle. Due to lack of cash, I'm back 
on my porridge diet. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight. 
Although you can go to bed feeling a little 'full'.

I had a rotten Christmas. But a good New Year. Was dahn Sarth in old 
London town. Was grate fun. Got the bruises to prove it.

God, it's cold. I had a well minging dream. Was in a tent pitched in a 
main street near where I live and this new cat had shit all over the 
sleeping bag and when I got out the tent, I ran to a payphone and Isobel 
Campbell was using the phone, but she was speaking in a Spanish accent. 
That's when I think she looks dead like the girl in that film, The Red 

Sorry Im rambling. I guess Im mailing to ask if there are any 
(indoor)picnics planned for Glasgow any time soon. I haven't seen JenOwl 
since that day outside C&A. And C&A isn't there anymore!

Lovebites: good or bad? Discuss....

Love you all, some more than others.

*big hug to all who deserve one*


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