Sinister: I'm caking up with pus
lazylinedavid at
lazylinedavid at
Thu Jan 24 19:08:38 GMT 2002
the homepage of Netscape just confronted me with the question 'Is Anna Kournikova Relevant?' Good grief. Relevant to what? I much prefer the aptly-named Israeli player, Miss Smashnova.
In a very good mood today because I just got tickets to go and see Isaac Hayes in Brooklyn next month. This is very exciting. I wonder if he'll do a cover version of Don't Leave the Light On, Baby? Mmm, that would be good.
To those of you in the UK (and who live anywhere near the miniscule number of cinemas that will be kind enough to show it), I think that Richard Linklater's gorgeous 'Waking Life' opens tomorrow. Please please please go and see it! Even if the rambling philosophy lecture gets a little silly at times, just close your ears and watch the animation float across the screen: you'll think you're on the loveliest drugs ever invented.
And is 'Storytelling' really that bad? It opens properly here in the US tomorrow, and is getting savaged in the most entertaining ways by reviewers. Why on earth did B&S get involved with Solondz in the first place?
Until next time,
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