Sinister: will nature make a man of me yet? (summer meet up stuff too)
amy.longcore at
amy.longcore at
Tue Jan 29 00:55:21 GMT 2002
I'm a girl and yr a boy la la la la la la la la
Will salt is lovely. I want to wash his hair and put my favorite girly
conditioners in it
and put it in lovely bouncy bouncing pigtails for him. Yay!
Boys and girls. I've never wanted to be a boy, really. Well, that's not
When I'm doing some hardcore hiking and camping, I'd much rather stand off
To the side a moment than hug a tree?but anyway.
I've made it no secret that I'm pretty open-minded in the boy vs. girl
I like dresses, but I also like boys' jeans. I like putting powders and
glosses on,
But never too much. I'm the queen of the understated Grey area.
I'm amy. I thoroughly enjoy hearing peoples' thoughts on their sexual
And what they relate to. I, however, will not tolerate for those who travel
a little
Further off the trail than others to be put down. I take it personally, as
I'm a bit of an
Oddball myself. If you don't understand where someone is coming from, ask
Than condemn immediately. and if they aren't fully comfortable about
talking about it,
let it be. if they are meant to, they will come around in time.
and if you really want to know and understand them, ask questions gently.
people need time to get into their comfort zones and display themselves
as they want to be seen to the world, and in themselves.
I just had to say that.
Shyness is nice but shyness can stop you from doing all the people in life
you'd like to?.
Ok, so I switched the lyric?
But it's been running through my head a lot.
Not only am I scared of relationships anymore, I'm dead shy about
Making the "first move". Yeah, I know, I'm lame.
Some of you have heard the story about the man I danced with recently
Who set my heart aflame. Well, he'll hardly look at me now.
I'm around, his face turns red and he darts away.
This is just not going to work.
I've decided to forget about him for now.
Not just because I don't know how to approach him again.
But because it's easier.
But really, am I supposed to be dead flattered and attracted
At that? Or am I supposed to assume he's insane, like I am now?
Maybe he thinks I'm insane?
When I ran into him a couple days after the dancing,
I was very outgoing. I said things that let him know I
Liked him.
So, that should have helped.
I'm also hearing his heart gets broke real easily.
Well, mine too.
He doesn't know of belle and Sebastian anyway (content!).
My friend Christopher called me up and said, "amy, we are relatively
Smart and outgoing people. Why are we such social misfits in the dating
Department?" I still can't answer you, Christopher, dear. But I sure can
Relate to the roots of the questioning.
i'm just a misunderstood cherubic hermit anyway.
no one will ever find me.
I wonder to myself?.
Anywhere you go, even yr own bedroom, you've got a lot to live up to.
Take all the good and wrap it up and hold it,
just keep the bad past arm length.
That's my cryptic way of telling some of you to keep a chin up.
let me get my hands on your mammory glands...
i just wanted to write that lyric out, thanks for the opportunity.
there's always someone out there with a big nose who knows....
how to send a crush vote. bless you for the giggles, hannah. yr too cute.
do you think you've made the right decision this time?
prolly not, but i've got a little idea up my sleeve.
upon discussing wanting to see mr. andy capp in drag LIVE
and IN PERSON, a little star named kirsten and i wondered
how a BIG sini summertime midwestISH meet up would go over.
we want canadians, chicagoans and then some to trot their fresh faces
to a desirable location that will work out for everyone.
my first idea is a bit of a wee hiking trip onto a remote
area of lake michigan for drinking and picnicing and
being around lots of trees, water and sand. lovely.
this is all near my home, which is of advantage to me,
but you as well if you want to crash with me.
we can camp on the beach as well...
i'm open to any and all ideas, but planning should start now
in order to accomadate as many persons as possible.
we're talking mass sinister love here, folks.
i want you to come from all over. so, do it.
put yr thinking caps on and fly wiff me.
we could even make it canada, chicago, detroitish,
minnesotta....whatever. just know i've made an offer.
maybe july 4th weekend since people may have a day off
of work then....
writing frightening verse....
yeah, i know, i'm still holding all of yr surverys for ransom.
work is a 4-letter word....
right. so, yeah. i'm writing from work again.
it's growing dismal here.
anyone wanna hire me?
i'm good at stuff and could clean yr house.
stuff can be so hard on you.
but, if you hired me to take care of yr stuff,
you wouldn't have any more stuff problems!
so, don't let stuff get in yr way,
hire me today!
they spent a few weeks on our trail....
hellos to the new folks, baker baker is nice.
i really adored the kissinger post.
take care.
let yourself lose yourself,
(home: dotsandloops at
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