Sinister: not much CHUse to KENyone
juju fox
stringbeanjean1 at
Tue Jul 2 20:51:27 BST 2002
halo sinister.
it's a nice day for a TWATTYBUS...
here i sit with a g4 named otis (nom du jour), lacking
the motivation i pretended to have yesternite when i
told my roommate how i'd be getting up early to take
my resumé 'round to various places in order to land
myself a dayjob. but i've been without one for months,
and i've come accustomed to staying up late and
sleeping the clock around. that is not to say that i
am lazy. i still play piano at nite and have the band
and all that. and i work hard... at living my new
bohemian lifestyle. i've just been enjoying my
solitude more lately. i think i'm slowly cutting
myself off from the people that live in this town, and
seeking closeness with the etherworld. but that all
may have been caused by the latest happenstance in my
just over one week ago, being quite boring, i went
after work to a friend's flat to borrow his copy of
rushmore. it was too late to get to the rental place
in time, so i didn't mind going a little out of my way
for such big entertainment. but just as i reached his
door, i heard the mew of a wee bitty: the tiniest
sounding kitten. it was coming from his abandoned car,
a yellow '64 thunderbird. (if you aren't aware of what
those cars look like, just know that they have very
wide hollow walls that are nearly impossible to reach
even the longest, lankiest arms into for the rescuing
of such tiny animals.) after a long while of trying to
locate the feline, he was discovered, and i hopped
atop the engine to get a better angle for twisting my
arm into the hiding place behind the wheel well. "so
soft!" i shouted when first i touched his fur. and in
my hand, i held the tiniest wee bitty of a
hamster-looking cat, one mr. honey mustard seed. who
knows how long he'd been starving or acquiring
diseases, but he was loved and cared for 24/7 -for
just the 7 days - by yours truly. he changed my life
in that short time. healed my heart and turned my
frown upside-down. and tho he passed while i wasn't
looking, i know he's still here with me, and everytime
i listen to hope sandoval and the warm inventions, i
will think of him and the time we spent together.
so forget all the entires i've made of a silly boy who
moved away and took my broken heart with him. cos this
is the new juju. the one who feels useless. the one
with nothing to do in the day now. no one to care for.
nothing to give to. and not much to write about except
how grape ape TWATTYBUS is to me today.
this mourning, while updating my blog (you know you
have one, too), i couldn't define my thoughts, so i
ended up with a b&s song in my head. so i ended up
putting the record on... and by the time i'd opened
the fridge, grabbed a peach yogurt, opened it, licked
the lid clean, retrieved a spoon from the back of the
drawer in the kitchen, and come back to the record
player to turn up the volume, the second song began
playing, and my hips ended up shaking. and so i ended
up dancing and eating yogurt to the beat of one of the
best songs ever made.
and if you disagree, you are not the one i will love
forever and ever. indeed, i have come to the recent
conclusion that i could only ever fall for someone
that couldn't help but dance to that tune. someone who
thinks it's as grate as i do. i wish i could surround
myself with people who felt the same. what a charming
world that would be. what a pretty bubble... of
course, that silly boy would dance to that tune...
he'd even whisper-sing it under his breath to me over
our mobile connections... but that's all behind me
now. ahem.
wasting time talking to anyone that's there,
ps i got one of those notification emails from a crush
site... but it wasn't saying someone had a crush on
me. it was saying someone thought i had a crush on
them. it was somewhat annoying.
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