Sinister: I recommend Cherno Samba and Kim Kallstrom

Dean Gillon misguidedtrousers at
Tue Jul 9 23:48:22 BST 2002

Arrrr me hearty old shipmates.

Um, does Gordon scare anybody else or is it just me?

I start my little post thus cos the navy's after me to
be a reservist and I really don't want to.  I was in
the navy a few years ago (it was shit - don't even
think about it) and they keep sending me letters. 
I've been trying to find out how long I'm liable for
on the interweb thing but I'll be jiggered if I can
find out.  I really don't fancy being sent down to
guard some poxy base in plymouth with a load of
cretins who think the height of amusement is getting
their knobs out.  Oh well, I'll ring them tomorrow or
something, or become a strict pacifist or anarchist or
something.  Anything really that means I can avoid
that old shit again.

And personally I don't think ANYONE can last a whole
30 seconds Mark, you little scamp.  trying to impress
the girls with your sexual prowess.

I went surfing and rock-climbing last thursday and if
you ever want to try something that looks really very
easy but is actually nigh on impossible, I can
heartily recommend both.  We did get fish and chips
and lots of beer afterwards and apparently I was a
natural at that though.

Thats all really, ooh I've got job interviews coming
up so wish me luck.  One in Newcastle next week and
one in Leeds the week after.  Yikes.  Any sinisterians
around those parts? I've got to prepare some very dull
stuff to show them I know what I'm doing.  double

Hello to Molly whose "going to China" post pisses all
over my "ate chips" post.

I must try harder
I must try harder
I must try harder
I must try harder
I must try harder

See you later, masterbators.
Dean XX
PS I'm a saddo champman type too.  What?  You mean
getting Margate to win the UEFA cup doesn't impress
women or interest other people?

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