Sinister: In the summer all the workers head out for the sandy beach
Ben Apps
benapps at
Mon Jul 15 00:40:27 BST 2002
Good day to you Ladies and Gentlemen. And Ken.
I am happy to announce the details of a Sinister knees-up in Southern
California on Saturday the 27th of July. And just to avoid any confusion,
no, a knees up isn't a sexual position as a housemate of mine once
mistakenly assumed ;-)
The Venue:
Santa Monica Palisades Park. Meeting point: under the sign on the entrance
to the pier. Here:
The Time: 3pm
I will be your picnic daddy but the real boss will be Rachel Fruitloop. She
reliably informs me that the park has nice green grass and shady palm trees,
a CAMERA OBSCURA! and a municipal pool for all your junior life-saving
needs. Plus there's lots of fun fayre on the pier and the beach so we can
show off our perfectly toned and bronzed bodies.
Bring food, bring drink, bring conversation, music and laughter. But most of
all bring yourselves...and each other.
I've probably forgotten something important. So if you want to come or think
of something I missed send me or Rachel an email blind_lisa at . I'm
really really excited and looking forward to meeting all the boys and girls
in da 'hood!
Over and Out
Ben Bapps
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+-+ "sinsietr is a bit freaky" - stuart david, looper +-+
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+-+ "pasty-faced vegan geeks... and we LOST!" - NME April 2000 +-+
+-+ "frighteningly named Sinister List organisation" - NME May 2000 +-+
+-+ "sick posse of f**ked in the head psycho-fans" - NME June 2001 +-+
+-+ Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa +-+
+-+ Snipp snapp snut, sa var sagan slut! +-+
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