Sinister: Big John Thomas Shaft
Kenneth P Y Chu
pykachu100 at
Fri Jun 7 17:49:32 BST 2002
I was going to talk about football results but if I do I'd have to put
(WARNING FOOTBALL RESULT) on the subject line which means Laurel Lemming
won't read my post and I don't want that.
I then really wanted to talk about love but then the wise Jason had already
talked about it to great lengths, it's just a shame that girls don't fancy
him because he's too wise. Personally I'm all about those 30% of girls he
speaks of who like to be taken advantage of, it's just a shame that I seem
to only ever meet the other 70% or something.. actually I didn't quite
understand what the split was, I didn't actually understand much but that's
just me.
I love Big John Shaft. Are there any other girls who love Big John Shaft?
We should date.
Dates and Red Bulls
P.S.: Okay sorry Laurel but I can't control myself, if you don't want the
result look away now!
BTW, I agree with Sam Walton as usual.. WE BEAT ARGENTINA BY A GOAL SCORED
FROM PENALTY i.e. we're better than Brazil, Italy, etc. and basically the
best. Actually I shouldn't mention any of those teams since my beloved
China will have to play Brazil and my other beloved team Ecuador got beated
by Italians in their girlie uniforms. grr.
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