Sinister: recessing in sydney !!!
poOoOo *
bashpoo at
Wed Jun 12 07:09:41 BST 2002
In search of a cheap and fun night out on a Friday!?! Recess is going
strong every week at the Teachers Club spinning the best of new and old
indie sounds plus doses of soul, lounge, retro and electro. Theres free
pool and $2.70 schooners all night too!! Everything gets under way at 8pm
and we usually finish around 12.30ish. Oh, its free entry as well!! And
giveaways too!
Spinning music from Stereolab, Go-Betweens, Sea and Cake, Lali Puna, Chicks
On Speed, Puffy, Belle and Sebastian, Pavement, Adult, OMD, Mates Of State,
Pastels, Smiths, Hummingbirds, Cinerama, Blur, Ides Of Space, Weezer, Call
and Response, Teenage Fanclub, Holiday, Saint Etienne, Ukiyo-E, Francoise
Hardy, Moldy Peaches, My Bloody Valentine, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Pattern,
White Stripes, Dressy Bessy, Pulp, Breeders, Momus, Broadcast, Aislers Set,
Hideki Kaji, Kinks, Cornelius, Count Five, You Am I, Chords, Replacements,
Youth Group, Guided By Voices, Komeda, Club 8, Pet Shop Boys, Apples In
Stereo, Prop, Blonde Redhead, Papas Fritas, Delgados, Walkmen, Built To
Spill, Folk Implosion, Magnestic Fields, Mouse On Mars, Stereo Total, Can
Teachers Club, 33 Mary St (between Albion & Reservoir and parallel to
Elizabeth), Surry Hills.
Us at Popfrenzy
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+-+ "sinsietr is a bit freaky" - stuart david, looper +-+
+-+ "legion of bedroom saddo devotees" "peculiarly deranged fanbase" +-+
+-+ "pasty-faced vegan geeks... and we LOST!" - NME April 2000 +-+
+-+ "frighteningly named Sinister List organisation" - NME May 2000 +-+
+-+ "sick posse of f**ked in the head psycho-fans" - NME June 2001 +-+
+-+ Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa +-+
+-+ Snipp snapp snut, sa var sagan slut! +-+
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