Sinister: Skyline of the Olympus Mons
Dean Gillon
misguidedtrousers at
Tue Jun 25 22:33:48 BST 2002
Hello everyone.
It's been really quiet on here lately. Has anyone
else noticed? I used to open my emails almost every
night and get 8 or 10 in my inbox. Recently it's been
about 3. Lurking is the new lurking, after a brief
manic of everyone posting and no mistake.
Some little vagabond kicked my back door in last week
whilst I was at the piccys watching Spiderman (not
bad, but don't expect anything too taxing). The
scoundrel hotfooted it away with my playstation and my
shiny new mobile. That means I'm now on my third
phone in 2 weeks, after my first one went for a swim
in a very hot cup of tea, and subsequently became a
bit poorly.
I get paid tomorrow and I can't wait. It's crap being
skint. I can finally get poor Scooby the goldfish
some food, after he's been forced to live off of left
over pasta, creme eggs and tomato soup. I've got my
eye on a rather cool t-shirt too and I'll pick up some
peanuts for my bird feeder in the back yard. I should
call it a sparrow feeder really because that's all
I've ever seen at it. Oh, well, sparrows need feeding
too. It can't be much fun for the poor little sods.
They never get to reel around their front room to "The
Boy With The Arab Strap" half pissed do they? Or do
they? He was called Scooby before Storytelling too
before anyone says anything. I'm thinking of
launching a legal action (um.)
Ho Hum, sorry it's a bit boring. That's what being
skint will do for you. Before I post again I promise
to discover a new colour, have a number one record
about a penguin and successfully bring the mammoth
back from extinction.
Does everyone on here look forward to Idleberry's
posts? I know I do. I think we should elect her El
Presidente and build her a palace and/or a big bronze
statue. What do you think? Leader. Leader. Leader.
Take care and enjoy Glasto if you're going.
Loads of Love
Dean XX
"As a gale on the mountainside bends the oak tree
I am rocked by my love" Sappho
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