Sinister: Heartbreak B&B.
snowy .
snowy_theband at
Wed Mar 27 14:32:34 GMT 2002
Hello everyone.
Idleberry's post made me really sad. Mainly because I've recently been
going through the same thing. Well, since November, so it's probably about
time I snapped out of it really. But I can't. My ex and I have remained
close friends. Which is nice but painful at times. Our relationship should
never have worked on paper. Different religions, 7 year age gap, different
social backgrounds, just 'different' on so many levels. But we just
clicked, and it felt so special. Even the most mundane things we did
together felt special, and there was nowhere I'd rather have been than with
her. She felt (feels) that time is running out for her to settle down and
have kids, and that is something she really wants to do. I had thought I
definately didn't want any more kids, but started to think differently when
I was with her. Then she got an acting job and went away and within 3 weeks
that was it. I feel that I've lost my perfect partner. When we see each
other we are close and tactile, and I (stupidly) keep thinking this may lead
somewhere, even though she is quite clear it won't. So I got another dig in
the ribs this morning, with an e-mail making sure I knew the boundaries. I
generally take about 2 years out between relationships, and am more than
happy to be alone, but something's changed inside me. I think I've had a
glimpse of what it's like to have a relationship with a soulmate for the
first time in my life. And I've been getting broody again :-0
There's no easy cure for a broken heart. But large quantities of alcohol
can ease the pain on a superficial level.
Take care xxx
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